MJM22 Digital Practice and Pedagogy Week 9 Collaboration Tools
Discussion & feedback How’s the OER going? –Break out into pairs. –Discuss your progress. Report back on each other’s project. –What needs to be done. –And how.
This session will cover: An explanation of collaborative learning. Description of communities of practice. Effective practice using Wikis Blogs Facilitating effective online working in collaborative spaces
Collaborative learning Two or more students working together to learn. Form a group. Varying levels of experience or knowledge. Co-operation. Interaction and activity. Take on roles and responsibilities. Negotiation, argument and consensus. Agreed output.
Benefits Builds community. Fosters engagement. Active and authentic learning. Increases retention and achievement.
Activity As a group: Define the essential elements of Collaborative learning, In no more than 2 sentences. 5 minutes to discuss. A member of the group will need to deliver the final definition.
Communities of practice Learning theory - Situative perspective. Wenger and Lave (1991). Social and informal. –Shared interest or discipline. –Share experience and information. –Beliefs, practices and behaviours. Requires interaction and collaboration. Legitimate peripheral participation. Human identity and social participation
Successful CoP Group activity: What do participants need to feel in order to be members of a successful community?
Some possible answers… Feel safe and welcoming. Respected. Included. Productive and motivated. Able to ask questions. Able to engage in conversation. Shared identity. Common interests and goals. Find support.
What is a Wiki ? Web based group authoring tool. Multiple authors edit the same site. Collaborative authoring and editing. Page and version history. Hyperlinking. Asynchronous / real-time Public. Text based.
Examples WikipediaWikiversity
Free tools PBWorksWikispaces
Educational use Aligned to social constructivism. Consensus and negotiation. Content focused. Open editing. Student-centred. Group projects and problem solving. Draft content. Single location. Collective.
Your experiences of working collaboratively online… How would you facilitate a collaborative online activity? –What factors need to be in place? –What strategies would you employ? Discuss in pairs in break out room. Write ideas on the whiteboard.
Best practice Explicit instructions and expectations Conventions and etiquette. Culture of trust. Meaningful and authentic. Common goal. Set deadlines. Model examples. Designate tasks.
What is a Blog? Simple web publishing tool. Post entries in date order. Linear and asynchronous. Individual authors. Regular contributions. Comments.
Your experience of blogging What have you found useful about blogging?
Purpose Reflection and critical thinking. Idea development. Record of progress. Foster discussion and collaboration. Information sharing. Develop ‘personal voice’ Build a sense of identity. Accessible and informal. Shared and findable.
Time for a Break Back in 5 minutes
This week’s activities 1.Finalise your plan. 2.Build your OER. 3.Be prepared to report back to the group in week 9 online seminar. –Bring what you’ve done. –Show what you’re working on.
Any Questions ?
Closing and Questions