MetaLib and SFX: The Library Portal and Link Server from Ex Libris Tamar Sadeh Marketing Manager Tallinn, September 2005
MetaLib and SFX MetaLib and SFX: Current Status SFX origins: a research project at the Ghent University, Belgium conducted by Herbert Van de Sompel; collaborating with Ex Libris MetaLib origins: a research project at the KOBV consortium in Germany; collaborating with Ex Libris First live SFX system: April 2001 at Caltech, USA First live MetaLib system: November 2001 at University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
MetaLib and SFX MetaLib and SFX: Current Status Today: almost 900 customers in 37 countries 58% non-ALEPH sites 68% consortia members OpenURL approved as a NISO standard (Z39.88)
MetaLib and SFX New Challenges Institutions offer a wide range of electronic resources: Individual e-journals Packages of e-journals Abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases Local repositories Subject gateways Other Web sites These need to be efficiently managed and offered to end users
MetaLib and SFX User’s Concerns Where do I look for information? How do I get access to licensed resources? How do I make a query? How do I get accurate results? How do I compare lists of results? How do I navigate to related resources? How do I obtain the actual materials? How do I maintain my environment and manage my findings?
MetaLib and SFX What is MetaLib?
MetaLib and SFX
MetaLib offers you Resource discovery and access Metasearching across heterogeneous resources, simultaneously My Library Portal SFX, delivering context-sensitive services
MetaLib and SFX My Library Portal Personal resource lists Personal eShelf with multiple folders Personal e-journal list Personal query list (history) Personal alerts Personal preferences
MetaLib and SFX A&I e-print Full Text Citations Web eTOC OPAC Portals
MetaLib and SFX Non context-sensitive Limited in scope: types of extended services action radius of links Closed e-print Full Text A&I Citations Web The “appropriate copy” problem Constraints of Previous Linking Frameworks
MetaLib and SFX History of Linking Source T a r g e t s OpenURL Linking Server Context A p p r o p r i a t e T a r g e t s
MetaLib and SFX The SFX Flow SFX SourceSFX MenuSFX Target
MetaLib and SFX Step 1: An OpenURL generated by the source and sent to the link server ?genre=article&atitle=The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging&title=American Law and Economics&issn= & date=2002&volume=4&issue=2&spage=295&aulast=Anderson& aufirst=David Step 2: The link server (at extracts metadata from the OpenURL Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 Step 2: The link server (at extracts metadata from the OpenURL Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 Step 3: The link server: matches data elements against the link server's knowledge base, determines the appropriate services, computes the links, and displays the menu
MetaLib and SFX SFX Target: Supports deep linking to provide, for instance: SFX Source: Supports the OpenURL. Enables the generation of extended services by the SFX server at the user’s institution., EBSCO, ISI WoS, IOP, ProQuest, Ovid, SilverPlatter ERL, OCLC FirstSearch, Elsevier ScienceDirect Full text of an article Holdings information Document delivery form Academic Press, Cambridge University Press, Highwire, Kluwer, Springer, Swets, Wiley Ex Libris ALEPH 500, III Innovative, Endeavor Voyager, SIRSI Unicorn, LIBRIS Union Catalog The British Library, InfoTrieve, IBID SFX Sources versus SFX Targets Book reviews; Syndetics
MetaLib and SFX Coverage (September 1, 2005): 454,290 journal titles, of which 32,684 are unique e-journal titles; 384,758 individual e-journal portfolios; 171,975 e-books; 1028 targets (946 provide full text) Rules: predefined rules (thresholds) and localized rules for fine-tuning Tools: Web-based tools for management Statistics and reports: usage of resources and services Updates: central KnowledgeBase maintained by Ex Libris; automated updates The SFX Knowledge Base
MARCit! SFX Knowledge Base Library Catalogue Unmediated DocDel requests Tool for VLE SFX Menu Journal Title List Citation Linker Library Portal
MetaLib and SFX
Installation: Solaris or Linux (on site) or hosted Training: 2 days for SFX; 3 days for MetaLib Localization: KnowledgeBase Branding Integration with local environment: authentication system, ILL or Document delivery system, proxy server, course management systems Configuration of additional resources and services Implementation of SFX and MetaLib
MetaLib and SFX Thank you! Tamar Sadeh