Heritage of the Printed Book (HPB) Marian Lefferts Executive Manager Oxford, 3 March 2011
2 Heritage of the Printed Book Database Nearly 3 million bibliographical records for European printing from c to c.1830 Hosted by OCLC, Dublin (OH) Files provided by the 30 institutions from 17 different countries 2
3 Total records by contributor ContributorRecords Academic Library of Tallinn University Academic Library of Tallinn University – ERUTL 9,694 Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, M ü nchen) – GEBAY 526,920 Bavarian State Library VD 16 (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, M ü nchen) – GEBAV 98,670 British Library 17th Century German Catalogue (K17), London – UKBLG 24,725 British Library Incunabula Short-Title Catalogue (ISTC), London – UKBST 29,421 Canterbury Cathedral Library, Mendham Collection (Law Society) – UKCAN 3,976 Cathedral Libraries Catalogue, UK – UKCLC 25,718
4 Total records by contributor GBV Union Catalogue (Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund, G ö ttingen) – GBVCP 1,004,646 Institute for Union Catalogue of Italian Bibliographies (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, Roma) – ITCGU (file reload and update pending) 140,350 National and University Library of Croatia (Nacionalna i Sveucilisna Knjiznica, Zagreb) – C5I 8,209 National and University Library, Slovenia (Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica, Ljubljana) – SVV 18,837 National Library of Finland (Kansalliskirjasto, Helsinki) – FIHSS 19,402 National Library of France (Biblioth è que nationale de France, Paris) – BDF 27,934 National Library of Hungary (Orsz à gos Sz è ch è nyi K ö nyvt à r, Budapest) – HNG 11,789
5 Total records by contributor National Library of Lithuania (Martynas Mazvydas, Vilnius) – LIH 2,037 National Library of Poland (Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa) – PONLW (new load completed) 1,345 National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg – R7L 28,502 National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh – NLE 24,155 National Library of Spain (Biblioteca Nacional de Espa ñ a, Madrid) – BNM 78,767 National Library of Wales (Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth) – NLW 13,261 Oxford University Libraries – EQO 76,477 Regione Toscana, Florence – ITRTF (reload completed) 13,578
6 Total records by contributor Royal Library of Denmark (Det Kongelige Bibliotek, K ø benhavn) – DKB 74,965 Royal Library of Sweden (Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm) – ROA 63,281 Royal Library of Sweden Collijn (Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm) – SEKBC 6,015 Royal Library, The Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag) – KOB (load of additional records completed) 164,169 "Shared European Heritage", Polish-German Microfilm Project – PLCNT 34,944 Szeged University Library (SZTE Egyetemi K ö nyvt á r, Szeged) – HUSGD 9,385
7 Total records by contributor Universidad Complutense, Madrid – S9M 25,709 University of London Library – ELU 45,202 Warsaw University Library (Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie) – P9Z 3,557 Wellcome Library, London – EUW 51,717 Yale University Library – YUS (load of additional records completed) 277,887 Total 2,945,244
9 We are working on including FileSize/format ICCU SBN(A)696,252 in UNIMARC format of which New: 555,902 UL Wrocław1,552 in MARC21 format Yale updateUpdates: 32,744 in MARC21 format Biblioth è que national de France update 941,809 in UNIMARC format BM Lyon13,045 in UNIMARC format GBV updateMARC21 BSB update94,251 in MARC21 format VD16 new recordsc. 1-1,5 k in MARC21 format
10 Access to the HPB Available via OCLC’s –FirstSearch ( –Connexion ( –Z39.50 Limited record display available via –CERL Portal ( Via OCLC’s –WorldCat.org (registered HPB users only)
11 What to do with the HPB? Locate and identify texts Evaluate different copies of the same title in different libraries Study the transmission and dissemination of texts in print Re-use records in library catalogues
12 Provenance in the HPB Relevant information is recorded in various (sub)fields in the bibliographic records But… currently not indexed in the HPB This will be fixed in 2011 for both HPB and OCLC’s WorldCat
13 Provenance in the HPB The index will bring together field 561 (Ownership and Custodial History = UNIMARC 317) field 563 (Binding Information = UNIMARC 310) fields 700 and 710 with specific relator codes (Added Entries for Personal Names and Corporate Names = UNIMARC 7XX fields) Examples of relator codes: dte dedicatee, bsl bookseller, fmo former owner, ins inscriber, dnr donor, col collector, etc.
14 Consortium of European Research Libraries Thank you