INTRODUCTION Library of the University of Oxford is one of the oldest and most important nonlending reference libraries in Britain. The Bodleian is particularly rich in Asian manuscripts and collections of English literature, local history, and early printing.
Collections Incunabula (Printed books)= 6755 copies Almanacs in 5,205 volumes Arabic works 74 (in 150 volumes) Books. 5,000(a week)
Online Databases SOLO (both printed and electronic) Oxlip+ Classification scheme Physical Catalogues: The Abbreviations catalogue is a card catalogue of thousands of abbreviations of law reports, journals and other material for the jurisdictions of the British Isles and many other countries
Other online catalogues Copac is a catalogue of the holdings of all universities in the UK.Copac Allegro is a catalogue of the Oxford University Library holdings in CJK script.Allegro FLAG is an index of foreign law collections throughout the UK.FLAG WorldCat searches for items in libraries worldwide.WorldCat English Short Title Catalogue is provided by the British Library and covers monograph and serial letterpress items printed before 1801English Short Title Catalogue
Special Collections European Documentation Centre European Documentation Centres are neutral collections of official publications of the European Union, open to the public and normally housed in academic libraries throughout the European Union (EU).
E-Resources Online journals: subject searchingsubject searching). Law Bod 4 students: Legislation & parliamentary materials online: Working papers, Theses and Legal Updates: These papers are often pre-prints, posted prior to final publication in a journal. They are often arranged by subject matter
Services Computing & photocopying: Photocopying, scanning and printing Computing servicesComputing services - find out about using the Library's computer rooms. LaptopsLaptops - using your laptop in the library and connecting to the network
Con… Interlibrary loans & document delivery Library Classes Week Eight Classes: Book a Librarian Services for students
Service standard Weekend services Evening services The Bodleian Library aims to provide a full level of service from opening time until 17:00 on working days*. This note summarises the service standard for the Bodleian Law Library on working days after 17:00.
Con… Faculty services IT facilities Inter-library loans Teaching facilities Support for teaching & learning Law Reserve Collection Courses & guides Library support for new courses Special facilities for faculty members Current awareness services
Publishers Legal databases Ad RemAd Rem Ad Rem: tijdschrift van de Orde van Vlaamse baliesAd Rem: tijdschrift van de Orde van Vlaamse balies Bull.contr.Bull.contr. Bulletin des contributionsBulletin des contributions Comm.Fin.Comm.Fin. Commentaar Financieel rechtCommentaar Financieel recht