Facts about Potassium Potassium is a soft, highly reactive metallic element, it occurs only in nature as compounds. Potassium was formerly called Kalium, which explains the symbol “K” Potassium is an electrolyte, which conducts an electric current when placed in a solvent.
The History of Potassium Potassium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy of London in It is the seventh most abundant metal and the least dense known metal besides Lithium.
Potassium is one of the most electropositive and reactive metals we know of, and will catch fire when reacting with water.
Properties of Potassium Potassium is a soft, silvery white metal that can be cut easily with a knife. Because potassium quickly oxidizes in air, it needs to be kept in mineral oil. In reaction with water, it decomposes to form hydrogen. Potassium forms a violet flame when caught on fire. Potassium is obtained by electrolysis of Hydroxide and is never found in nature.
Uses of Potassium The main demand for using potassium is in fertilizers and is used in most soils. Potassium is vital for plant growth and development as well as human diets. It plays a very important role in the response to stimulating nerves of the body and also in the contraction of muscles. Potassium is also used to make soaps, glass, lenses, salt substitutes, and potassium nitrate is used for the coloring of fireworks and explosives.
Health Facts Potassium is needed for body growth and maintenance. Eating foods rich in potassium will help to lower the risk of high blood pressure. Potassium in your body helps strenghten arteries, helps with damage of blood vessels and helps heart to function properly.
Foods With A High Source of Potassium Bananas Cantaloupe Grapefruit Prunes Oranges Tomato Juice Honeydew Molasses Potatoes
More health facts Potassium is a necessary dietary mineral. It is recommended that you should eat a potassium rich fruit or vegetable every day. This reduces the risk of a heart stroke by 40%. If there is excessive loss of potassium in your body, it will cause you to get Hypokalemia, which can cause heart failure. The average person consumes about 7 grams of potassium per day and the average body stores up to 140 grams, mainly stored in the muscles.
Sources ml?identifier=4680http:// ml?identifier= cat=healthhttp:// cat=health riodic/K.htmlhttp://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/pe riodic/K.html