Rule-Based Baseline Ontology Method for Requirement Elicitation Research paper: A Domain Ontology Building Process for Guiding Requirements Elicitation By Inah Omoronyia1, Guttorm Sindre1, Tor Stålhane1, Stefan Biffl2, Thomas Moser2, and Wikan Sunindyo2 1 Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 2 Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Paper review by Bernadette P Budhawara
Agenda Introduction Rule-Based Baseline Ontology for Requirement Elicitation Process-deliverable diagram Remarks Questions ?
Introduction (1) Requirement elicitation is one main activity of Requirement engineering (Kaiya & Saeki, 2006) Omoronyia et al. (2010) investigated domain ontology approach to elicit the requirements in semi-automatic way PDD of Requirement Engineering process modeled by Kotoya & Sommerville (1998)
Introduction (2) Omoronyia et al. (2010) proposed domain ontology approach to map & knock-down the requirements statement. Dimension map of domain – ontology formulated by attendees of the Ontology Summit in 2007, Keet (2009)
Rule-Based Baseline Ontology for Requirement Elicitation (Omoronyia et al., 2010) 1.Prepare the text documents manually by removing symbols and/ or edit the text format; 2.Trailing any brackets; For example: ‘ makers (Nokia, Samsung, Apple, Blackberry and many others)’ 3.Complete bridged-term; For example: “.....inhale and exhale respiration methods” 4.Extract SPO (subject-predicate-object) into concept – relations; 5.Mine association; 6.Finalize the finding concepts and relations into clusters.
Process-deliverable diagram (1)
Process-deliverable diagram (2)
Process-deliverable diagram (3)
Remarks Unclear - total amount of research feasibility evaluation Till today the paper cited by 13 researchers since it was published in 2010 – not a popular research subject?! The authors no longer working together but they are still working in ontology and requirement engineering domains.
References Kaiya, H. & Saeki, M., (2006). Using Domain Ontology as Domain Knowledge for Requirements Elicitation. Requirements Engineering, 14th IEEE International Conference, (pp ). Keet (2009). Ontology Engineering Top-down and Bottom-up. Wordpress Ontology blog. Retrieved April 9, 2013 from semwebtech-lectures-34-ontology-engineering-top-down-and-bottom-up semwebtech-lectures-34-ontology-engineering-top-down-and-bottom-up Kotonya, G. & Sommerville, I., (1998). Requirement Enginnering. John Wiley & Sons. Omoronyia, I., Sindre, G., Stålhane, T., Biffl, S., Moser, T., & Sunindyo, W. (2010). A Domain Ontology Building Process for Guiding Requirements Elicitation. In R. Wieringa and A. Persson (Eds.): REFSQ 2010, LNCS 6182, (pp.188–202).Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Weerd, I. van de, Brinkkemper, S., & Versendaal, J. (2010). Incremental method evolution in global software product management: A retrospective case study. Journal of Information & Software Technology 52(7),
Questions ?