Status of the ion traps at ATLAS Jason Clark ATLAS users workshop August 8, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Status of the ion traps at ATLAS Jason Clark ATLAS users workshop August 8, 2009

Ion traps at ATLAS

Overview of the apparatus

The BPT (Beta-decay Paul Trap) Plastic scintillator DSSD Plastic scintillator Plastic scintillator Plastic scintillator Si telescope shielding electrodes trapped ions RFQ electrodes trapped ions inject ions Side view:End view:

END VIEW: SIDE VIEW: The BPT (Beta-decay Paul Trap)

First results and plans Alpha-alpha coincidences ( 8 Li) First tests: tested trap with 252 Cf fission fragments offline First experiments: 14 O 8 Li Plans: decrease RF noise on electrodes optimize transfer of light ions higher resolution DSSDs

Measurements made with the CPT 0+  0+  -decay Nuclear structure, regions of deformation Astrophysical r process  -decay Astrophysics (novae, x-ray bursts, rp process)

Measurements with the CPT Very successful mass measurement program to date (over 150 nuclides measured)

Improvements over the years Stronger source (from 1 μCi to 100 μCi) Automation of system automated filling of cold traps with liquid nitrogen (He purification system) installed mass flow controller to regulate He pressure in gas catcher improved acquisition program (much easier to switch between masses) Replaced isobar separator magnet (improvement?) Beam router made more stable Added ability to destroy molecules in isobar separator Now able to chill gas catcher & isobar separator (reduce contaminants) Replaced MCP with channeltron


The CPT at CARIBU CARIBU Experimental area Stable ion source Buncher

Moving the CPT to CARIBU Into CARIBU: And finally in position:

Moving the CPT to CARIBU Getting ready to remove the superconducting magnet from its original location: Looking worried …

What will be new to the CPT at CARIBU New cryogenic linear trap more efficient capture in Penning trap less energy spread of ion bunch Linear ion trap New computer system still need computer to run experiments with BPT! Coupled to a new injection system

Updated facility diagram CARIBU Canadian Penning Trap Beta-decay Paul Trap