By: Nicklaus Wang 3-HJ
Introduction The animal I want to research the shark. Sharks is from the group of vertebrates called fish. I wanted to learn more about sharks because when I was in 2 nd grade I loved sharks. They have razor sharp teeth and I wanted to learn a lot of facts about sharks.
The great white shark can grow over 20 ft long. The color is gray and white. Some sharks teeth are so hard that they can mark submarines and the tiger shark can bite through turtle shells!
Sharks home is called ocean or sea. Their habitat is ocean or sea.
Sharks predators are humans, because people eat a soup called shark fin soup. They just catch a shark, cut off the fin, and throw the sharks back in the water or keep the shark.
Sharks can eat sharks, and sharks eat fish, and any creatures sharing the same habitat. Some sharks are so hungry that they fight for food.
The whale shark does not swallow, a whale shark just puts the animal in its mouth and then spits it out. Some sharks don’t look scary, but when it bites you it will hurt.