Sharks By Hunter Lucas Hahm
What sharks eat Lobsters barracuda lumpfish seahorses rays tuna krill fish seals shrimp toddies dolphins crabs jellyfish octopus puffer fish soles.
Habitat Sharks live in all of earths oceans and rivers they also live with other, animals
Types of sharks There are many types of me there are tiger, sand tiger,goblin,saw, green land,cookie cutter,great white, frilled,blue, hammer head, mako, spind pigmy, lemon, mega mouth,, bull and much more.
Predators Killer whales, humans, salt water crocodiles, other sharks all eat sharks
Family Skates and rays are in the shark family because the bendy cartilage and gills
Ending Sharks are getting killed for there fins so please do not buy shark products so they don’t get money so they stop.