Ambienti Applicativi Virtuali: La Tecnologia D4Science Pasquale Pagano -> Leonardo Candela Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dellInformazione A. Faedo Incontro DC-NET con ISTI 16 March 2010 CNR-ISTI (Pisa)
2 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Outline D4Science root The enabling Technology, gCube Virtual Research Environments Cooperative Knowledge Production Facilities D4Science and Humanities: gMan
3 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 From a testbed to a production ecosystem DiligentD4ScienceD4Science II Oct.04Nov.07Jan.08Dec.09Oct.09Sept.11 Testbed Empower the grid middleware to: > manage data and metadata as primary resources > virtualise the VO environment Production Stabilize gCube by supporting two large user communities: > FARM > EM Production Promote interoperability across e-Infrastructures by empowering large user communities Prototype => gCube 0.9 Software Framework => gCube 1.6 (stable and open source) => d4science e- Infrastructure Open Platform => gCube 2.0 (feature reach and interop.) => d4science ecosystem
4 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 From a testbed to a production ecosystem functionality gLite gCube DiligentD4ScienceD4Science II Oct.04Nov.07Jan.08Dec.09Oct.09Sept.11
5 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 gCube Services Tasks Libraries Portlets 395 software components In production Multiple communities
6 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Infrastructure vs. gCube e-Infrastructure An infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of an organization. A gCube e-Infrastructure promotes effective consumption of shared resources: hardware resources data resources software resources gCube promotes its own services to shareable resources on par with data and the hardware resources
7 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Serving Communities through Virtual Research Environment Is a tailored and consolidated environment adequate to represent a growing aggregation of resources tailored to satisfy the evolving needs of the user community? Virtual Research Environments
8 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Virtual Research Environment Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is a distributed and dynamically created environment where subset of resources can be assigned to a subset of users via interfaces for a limited timeframe at little or no cost for the providers of the infrastructure VRE 2 VRE 1 VO gCube is a first example of a VRE Management System
9 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Enabling Elements Runtime Environment provision (gCore/gHN) Infrastructure Management, Monitoring and Self-reorganisation VRE Management VO and Security Support Services Process Execution Information Organisation Services Storage Management Collection Management Content Management Metadata Management Archive Import Metadata Brokerage Annotation Management Content Transformation Ontology Management Information Retrieval Services Metadata Indexing Content Indexing Personalisation Content Source Description & Selection Data Fusion Search Presentation Services Application Support Layer User Portlets Administrative Portlets Desktop clients gCube Completeness: A full view of gCube
10 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Infrastructure Exploitation 30 Nodes CNR NKUA ESA FAO UNIBASEL 25 Data EEA MERIS AATSR 69 Metadata es ISO19115 eiDB 15 Data AquaMaps Fact Sheets Country Maps 28 Metadata FARM_dc aquamaps NodesCollectionsFunctionality 29 Nodes CNR NKUA FAO UNIBASEL Integration with gPod Geographical and text search Search by metadata Personal workspace Objects annotation Report generation Maps Generation Production More than 500 Web Services autonomically managed
11 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 gCube is … Distributed Software System Large scale service-based Infrastructure Enabler Resource-Rich VRE Management System Autonomic, Extensible, and Maintainable
12 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Building Virtual Research Environments Lifetime & Description Information Space MetadataFunctionalityQoS
13 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Search VRE UI Cooperative Tools in a Nutshell Tools supporting generic as well as specific tasks A virtual document to innovatively describe research packages VRE UI A virtual desktop to organize the working environment Search Workspace Biodiversity Map Annotation Report Management
14 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Workspace: challenges Organize users objects (research packages) Support seamless access to very diverse objects compound, conventional/unconventional, active/passive preserve per-object functions and peculiarities Simplify objects exchange (with other workspaces) Make workspace objects available when needed (e.g. report production) Implement a working environment average users are familiar with To have an enhanced object manager in each VRE
15 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Workspace: the service A collaboration-oriented suite providing for seamless access and organisation facilities on a rich array of objects (e.g. Information Objects, Queries, Files, Templates) mediation between external world objects, systems and infrastructures (import/export/publishing) support common file manager (drag & drop, contextual menu) support an effective rich object sharing facility
16 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Report Management: challenges Represent modern research results through a rich and powerful document model Support classes of report Seamlessly integrate into a report any object of the user workspace Provide for living report, i.e. report constituents can be static or dynamic Provide for collaborative production workflows Do not reinvent Google Docs ® To have an advanced reports production suite
17 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Report Management: the service A collaboration-oriented suite providing for template-oriented, feature-rich and flexible document format definition effective and infrastructure-integrated report compilation (drag & drop workspace items) collaborative and distributed editing (workspace based) standard-based report materialisation (HTML, OpenXML)
18 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 VREs, Workspaces and Report in Action
19 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 gCube and Humanities: the gMan case JISC - Kings College London Look at new ways of integrating existing data resources for Classics and add services so that research work based on integrated resources can be published Data sources The Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis (HGV) der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Aegyptens, a collection of metadata records for 55,000 Greek papyri from Egypt. Projet Volterra, a database of Roman legal texts, and associated metadata, from various sources (epigraphic, papyrological, or literary) currently in the low tens of thousands but very much in progress. The Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, (InsAph), a corpus of about 2,000 ancient Greek inscriptions from the Roman city of Aphrodisias in Asia Minor, including transcribed texts and metadata marked up using EpiDoc TEI, as well as images of the physical objects. Main functionality cross-collection search workspace annotation report creation Early results in AHM 2009 Phil. Trans. A special issue
20 Incontro DC-NET con ISTI CNR-ISTI, Pisa 1 Aprile 2010 Find us Donatella Castelli D4Science-II Project Director Pasquale Pagano D4Science-II Technical Director