GKT1: The Four Themes And Some Examples Mike Dungar Course Mentor, Gen. Ed Social Science - History
The Themes Geography and the Development/Diffusion of Human Societies Individuals and Institutions as Mechanisms of Social/Governmental Change Historical Systems of Power, Governance, and Authority Science and Technology as Mechanisms of Economic Growth and Development
The Task Define the theme, identify your example (and whether it is US or world), and in 1-2 sentences, explain the broad connection of theme to example. Provide background details for your example; contextualize your example in time and space. Using those details/facts/names/etc., explain more fully how your example demonstrates its associated theme. So what?
Geography Physical Features
Geography Natural Resources
Geography An important part of the Geography theme is that your examples are closely tied to the natural world. The natural world can serve as a motivation for development; it can pull people to an area, or push them away. Development and diffusion are two separate activities, so consider selecting one or the other in your example.
Individuals and Institutions
Individuals and Institutions
Individuals and Institutions Agency in social change – what they did matters Sometimes, people or institutions can have an indirect, or symbolic influence. Individuals and institutions could have more than one kind of influence as well. Social change isn’t just politics or legislation; innovations to music, art, etc. can be avenues of social change.
Power, Governance, and Authority Governmental authority
Power, Governance, and Authority Other systems of power
Power, Governance, and Authority Power, Governance and Authority are not synonyms, but unless it’s important to your example and argument, you don’t need to distinguish whether your example is one or the other. If you want to speak broadly about a system (like monarchy), it’s especially important to have a concrete example (“the British monarchy”) You can also narrow your chronological scope
Historical technology
Contemporary technology
Technology Technology can take a lot of forms, including (but not limited to) communication, manufacture, transportation, and agriculture Examples for the technology theme do not need to be inventions, they could also be implementation of technology, or innovations on extant ideas. Economic growth and development can do alongside social developments, but new markets, techniques, connections, etc need to be there