We live in a Democracy Today we are developing our understanding of: Rights and Responsibilities Different types of democracy.


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Presentation transcript:

We live in a Democracy Today we are developing our understanding of: Rights and Responsibilities Different types of democracy

Find the meaning of these words… Democracy: ……………………………………………………. Dictatorship: …………………………………………………. Vote: ……………………………………………………………….. Election: …………………………………………………………. Representation: …………………………… …. Participation: …………………………………………………. Candidate: ……………………………………………………… Constituencies: ……………………………………………… Electoral Register: ……………………………………….

Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) 1.What is the job of MSPs? 2.How many MSPs are there in total? 3.Who is your MSP?

Member of Parliament (MP) 1.What is the job of MPs? 2.How many MPs are there in total? 3.Who is your MP?

Member of European Parliament (MEP) 1.What is the job of MEPs? 2.How many MEPs are there in total? 3.Who is your MEP?

Local Councillor 1.What is the job of Local Councillors? 2.How many Local Councillors are there in Dumfries & Galloway? 3.Who is your local councillor?

Voting on Election Day 1.Go to Polling Station 2.Take paper to Booth 3.Post it into the Ballot Box 4.Given Ballot Paper 5.Polling Clerks check off your name Activity Watch ‘Election Day’ and re-arrange the order of the stages of voting on election day (below).‘Election Day’

Different Parties, Different Beliefs You will be researching the beliefs of different parties in the Scottish Parliament. If you are a number: 1.Scottish Labour Party 2.Scottish Conservative Party 3.Scottish National Party (SNP) 4.Scottish Liberal Democrat Party 5.Scottish Green Party

Activity Instructions Research ONE political party to answer the 3 questions. Once you have answered the 3 questions, design a poster to inform others about the party. Where to find information???? 1.Scottish Labour Party: 2.Scottish Conservative Party: 3.Scottish National Party (SNP): 4.Scottish Liberal Democrat Party: 5.Scottish Green Party:

Scottish Labour Party Who is the leader of the Scottish labour Party? How many representatives do they have in the Scottish Parliament? What are the main beliefs of the party?

Scottish Conservative Party Who is the leader of the Scottish Conservative Party? How many representatives do they have in the Scottish Parliament? What are the main beliefs of the party?

Scottish National Party Who is the leader of the Scottish National Party? How many representatives do they have in the Scottish Parliament? What are the main beliefs of the party?

Scottish Liberal Democrat Party Who is the leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrat Party? How many representatives do they have in the Scottish Parliament? What are the main beliefs of the party?

Scottish Green Party Who is the leader of the Scottish Green Party? How many representatives do they have in the Scottish Parliament? What are the main beliefs of the party?

What do we know??? Click on the ‘Democracy Quiz’ link in your group work section (where you found this PowerPoint) and complete it before the end of the lesson