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CA Standard 10.1 – Students relate the moral and ethical principals in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, in Judaism and in Christianity to the development of Western Political thought. Essential Unit Question – How did the ancient Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian philosophies impact democratic societies based on the role of the government, individual and contributions?
You will be answering the question in the form of short answers at the end of the unit. End of the unit and exam: Friday, September 5th
Monarchy (pg. 11) Aristocracy (pg. 11) Oligarchy (pg. 11) Democracy (pg. 11) Direct Democracy (pg. 11) Republic (pg. 12) Ethics (pg. 5) Individualism - a belief that the interests of the individual are of the greatest importance Morals - relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior Reason - the power of the mind to think and understand in a logical way