Jeopardy Political Basics Iron Curtain Beginnings Red Scare Korea Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500
$100 Question from Political Basics The Cold War is a fight against what type of Government?
$100 Answer from Political Basics Communism Main Menu
$200 Question from Political Basics Who controls things in a Communist society?
$200 Answer from Political Basics The Government Main Menu
$300 Question from Political Basics This is the type of economy promoted in a Communist society. It is when the Government controls the means of production
$300 Answer from Political Basics Command Economy Main Menu
$400 Question from Political Basics What is Capitalism?
$400 Answer from Political Basics The type of economy promoted here in America. It is when there is private ownership of the means of production Main Menu
$500 Question from Political Basics What are the main differences between Democracy and Communism?
$500 Answer from Political Basics Democracy: people have the power, capitalism, existence of social classes Communism: government controls everything, Command economy, classless society Main Menu
$100 Question from Iron Curtain Who wrote the Iron Curtain Speech?
$100 Answer from Iron Curtain Winston Churchill Main Menu
$200 Question from Iron Curtain What year was the Iron Curtain Speech given?
$200 Answer from Iron Curtain 1946 Main Menu
$300 Question from Iron Curtain Describe what the Iron Curtain was and what it represented
$300 Answer from Iron Curtain It was an imaginary line dividing West and Eastern Europe. It represented the sharp division between Democracy and Communism. Main Menu
$400 Question from Iron Curtain Describe the Soviet Sphere
$400 Answer from Iron Curtain The Soviet Sphere was the Soviet’s area of influence / control in Eastern Europe Main Menu
$500 Question from Iron Curtain How did the West and East view the Iron Curtain?
$500 Answer from Iron Curtain West: viewed it negatively; believed that Communism was creating a sharp division in Europe East: viewed it positively; believed it was necessary in order to protect the Soviets from Western attacks Main Menu
$100 Question from Beginnings Why was the Cold War called the COLD war?
$100 Answer from Beginnings Because there was no actual hand-to-hand combat Main Menu
$200 Question from Beginnings What were the two divisions of Berlin Called?
$200 Answer from Beginnings East and West Berlin Main Menu
$300 Question from Beginnings Describe the term Containment as it relates to the Cold War
$300 Answer from Beginnings It was the US foreign policy against Communism. We wanted to “contain” it / keep it from spreading Main Menu
$400 Question from Beginnings Give two causes of the Cold War
$400 Answer from Beginnings Answers could include Political differences World War II conflicts Postwar conflicts Main Menu
$500 Question from Beginnings Describe the Berlin Airlift
$500 Answer from Beginnings It involved the delivery of goods to West Berlin via US and British Airplanes. These deliveries were necessary because the Soviets had blocked off trade coming in from the roads, railways and water Main Menu
$100 Question from Red Scare What was the House of Un-American Activities Committee
$100 Answer from Red Scare US agency that investigated Communism in the US Main Menu
$200 Question from Red Scare What did Truman do that showed that he was “tough on Communism”
$200 Answer from Red Scare He investigated Federal employees to make sure they didn’t have any ties to Communism Main Menu
$300 Question from Red Scare Who were the Hollywood Ten? What happened to them?
$300 Answer from Red Scare They were 10 actors, writers, producers that were accused of being Communist. Because they didn’t cooperate with HUAC, they were blacklisted, which damaged their careers Main Menu
$400 Question from Red Scare Which two events triggered the Red Scare / growing fear of Communism
$400 Answer from Red Scare The Soviet explosion of their atomic bomb and the Communist takeover of China Main Menu
$500 Question from Red Scare Who was Joseph McCarthy and why was he important
$500 Answer from Red Scare He was a US Senator. He’s important because he accused many people of being Communist at this time. Even though his accusations were inaccurate, he became known as the nation’s top Communist fighter Main Menu
$100 Question from Korea What happened to Korea after WWII
$100 Answer from Korea It was divided at the 38 th parallel between North and South Korea Main Menu
$200 Question from Korea What type of Government was promoted in North Korea? In South Korea?
$200 Answer from Korea North: Communism South: Democracy Main Menu
$300 Question from Korea What was the role of the UN during the Korean War?
$300 Answer from Korea The UN formed the force action that went against North Korea. Therefore, the US was not the only country to send over troops Main Menu
$400 Question from Korea What happened to Korea at the end of the war? To the troops that fought?
$400 Answer from Korea Korea remained divided; the troops on all sides experienced a high rate of casualties Main Menu
$500 Question from Korea What two things could the sides in the war not agree over that led to 2 years of unsuccessful peace negotiations
$500 Answer from Korea What to do with prisoners of war and the division at the 38 th parallel Main Menu