OBJECTIVE 3 Describe the anti-war movement and the growing divisions among US public opinion about the war
War Divides the Nation Doves: Strongly opposed the war and believed the U.S. should withdraw Hawks: America should unleash military force to win war
Fall of Public Support U.S. Economy: began to suffer Inflation rates went up 2%-5.5% by 1969 Johnson increased taxes reduce spending on Great Society programs Television: America’s first “living room war” Combat footage appeared nightly on TV news Contradicting what generals were telling the public Countless American body bags (16,000 between ’61 and ‘67) Credibility gap: public distrust of statements made by the government
Fall of Public Support Fulbright Hearings: Charged President with “lack of candor” in portraying war effort Televised hearings where Johnson’s administration had to defend their Vietnam policies "Under our system Congress, and especially the Senate, shares responsibility with the President for making our Nation's foreign policy. This war, however, started and continues as a Presidential war in which the Congress, since the fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin episode, has not played a significant role. [...] The purpose of these hearings is to develop the best advice and greater public understanding of the policy alternatives available and positive congressional action to end American participation in the war."
“Working Class” Goes to War Most soldiers who fought in Vietnam were called into combat under the Selective Service System: draftdraft All males had to register at 18 (lasted until 26) Ways around the draft Fake medical problems Changed residency Join National Guard or Coast Guard College deferment Religious reasons 80% of American soldiers came from lower economic levels
Americans Turns to Protest
Support of Our Troops Ballad of the Green Berets "Back at home a young wife waits Her Green Beret has met his fate He has died for those oppressed Leaving her this last request Put silver wings on my son's chest Make him one of America's best He'll be a man they'll test one day Have him win the Green Beret"
CCR – Fortunate Son Edwin Starr – War – 1969 Rolling Stones – Gimme Shelter – 1969 CCR – Run Through the Jungle Music Represents American Sentiment
Songs about Vietnam 8th of November- Big and Rich
FOR & AGAINST OF THE WAR For it’ll help South Vietnam justice may be brought Contain communism The Domino Theory US had more weapons, machine guns, rockets, launchers, tanks and helicopters. The war established peace and stability Against Vietnam could fight for themselves The U.S used napalm which killed innocent civilians No one in America supported the war as it used unnecessary force which massacred whole villages Some in South Vietnam didn't support the U.S Many Americans staged anti-war protest
How did protests affect the war? Voting Age- 26 th Amendment “We can be drafted to die for our country, but can’t vote against the war?” Voting age changes from 21 to 18 “Teach Ins” become popular to inform Americans of the war Some protestors turned to Civil Disobedience Burning draft cards Des Moines students wear black armbands
Johnson VS American Protesters By 1967, antiwar protesters had turned on President Johnson. Demonstrators chanted “Hey, hey, LBJ. How many kids did you kill today?” To counter growing opposition to the war, the Johnson administration tried to persuade Americans that there was “light at the end of the tunnel.” Officials presented statistics and reports to show that the United States was winning the war.
Vietnam Protest Sign Develop a Vietnam War era protest sign that would have been displayed at the respective protests. (10) Create a slogan or rallying call that demonstrates and understanding of the purpose of the protest.(10) 2-3 sentences on the back: Are you a dove or a hawk? Why?(5)