SAMUS Content The Vision Problem Statement System Overview System Implementation DSS Components Metrics Use Cases
SAMUS is a system to support medium to large organizations better manage their IT assets. Allowing companies to track usage, analyze trends, and predict future By tracking actual usage a company can determine the usefulness of a software product to their organization and make informed decisions about cheaper or more useful alternatives.
An organization can face many problems when trying to manage software assets, even if they are not apparent. Misuse, underutilization, and fragmentation of software can result in excessive and unnecessary costs to an organization. Productivity Problems. Inventory Problems Reporting Problems
Like many other Software Asset Management (SAM) systems in today’s market, we will be using a similar system model to track inventory and employee data. SAMUS will do all of the other functions of its parent systems as well as track hardware and software use which will help us make appropriate decisions.
Private/ Local Vendors Finance/ Corporate Planning Department Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Information Technology Department
SAMUS AGENT Purpose: To communicate Machine Data to SAMUS Software Catalog To Facilitate Software Deployment request from SAMUS Software Catalog To Facilitate Reclamation requests from SAMUS Software Catalog.
SAMUS CATALOG Purpose: To communicate Administrative directives to SAMUS Software Agents To keep track of and manage all currently listed and deployed Software titles To keep track of and manage all currently deployed PCs and their owners To Initiate Software Deployment requests to the SAMUS Software Agent To Initiate Software Reclamation requests to the SAMUS Software Agent To Facilitate Add/Change requests to Machine Software Signatures in file To Facilitate Move/Add/Change requests to PCs and hardware
SAMUS features a rich set of Decision Support features. These features are intended to help organizations make informed decisions about current usage and future purchases of software. The main decision support feature implemented by SAMUS is a decision tree. The decision tree is beneficial in this scenario by allowing multiple scenarios to play out based on business rules or best practices. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM
Predicting future software needs a company can decided how many licenses they should buy at one time buying licenses in bulk a company can save on many software packages thanks to volume pricing predictive analysis can be applied to specific job functions to determine how many future licenses will be need if a certain job function is to expand PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS