Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication and Teamwork Business Communication Copyright 2010 South-Western Cengage Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication and Teamwork Business Communication Copyright 2010 South-Western Cengage Learning

The Roles of Nonverbal Communication Reinforcing a verbal message Contradicting a verbal message Substituting for a verbal message Regulating a verbal message Nonverbal Communication © Photodisc / Getty Images Nonverbal symbols, such as a smile, can reinforce verbal symbols.

Nonverbal Symbols In written messages In spoken messages Body language Touching Personal space Time Paralanguage 3 Nonverbal symbols play an important role in spoken messages. © Rubberball Productions / Getty Images 3.1 Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Symbols and Your Image Level of confidence Too much self-confidence Too little self-confidence Friendliness Enthusiasm Sincerity Appearance Eye contact and posture Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Symbols in the Environment Furnishings and décor Arrangement of tables and chairs Lighting Room temperature Noise or sounds Use of color Nonverbal Communication

The Listening Process Hearing Focusing attention Understanding Remembering Listening Skills

Types of Listening Casual listening Active listening Informative listening Evaluative listening Emphatic listening Reflective listening Listening Skills © Photodisc / Getty Images Casual listening is relaxed and involves little energy or effort.

Barriers to Effective Listening Attitudes about the speaker or topic Prejudices or opinions Assumptions Distractions Physical discomfort Divided focus Listening Skills

Listening Effectively Share the responsibility Focus on the main idea Evaluate the message Provide feedback Take notes Overcome poor listening habits Listening in specific situations Small groups Conference settings Listening Skills

Workplace Relationships Employee and manager relationships Coworker relationships Customer relationships Teamwork Be fair and honest in your dealings with customers.

Resolving Conflicts Listen and talk with coworkers Identify the underlying cause of the conflict Focus on issues or behaviors, not on people Think objectively Be willing to admit your mistakes and apologize Avoid assigning blame Do your part to make the proposed solution work Teamwork

Workplace Teams Special teams Advantages of teams Disadvantages of teams Virtual teams 12 © Blend Images / Getty Images Workplace teams are a trend in American companies. 3.3 Teamwork

Working Effectively in Teams Team roles Leader Challenger Doer Thinker Supporter Recorder Learning to work together Teamwork

Guidelines for Team Success Identify the goals and determine tasks Identify resources Assign duties Communicate regularly Resolve conflicts Brainstorm ideas Evaluate procedures Celebrate success Teamwork

Leadership Leadership: providing guidance and inducing others to act Important for managers and other employees Career-related student organizations help build leadership skills Teamwork

Problem-Solving Steps Identify the problem Describe effects of the problem Brainstorm solutions Evaluate the possible solutions Test the selected solution Evaluate the results Teamwork Brainstorming is generating ideas or possible solutions for a problem.

Standout Team Members Focus on the team’s goals Are reliable and responsible Contribute ideas and opinions Find roles to fill Are supportive of team members Keep the team’s affairs confidential Do not take criticism personally Teamwork

Vocabulary 18 active listening casual listening conflict emphatic listening enthusiasm evaluative listening friendliness gesture informative listening leadership nonverbal communication paralanguage personal space posture reflective listening self-confidence sincerity synergy teamwork virtual team