Joan Miró ( ) Surrealist painter (surrealism- reality mixed with elements of fantasy) He drew on his memories, dreams, fantasies, and the irrational Most famous for his shapes, lines, spots, curly-ques, and geometric shapes in his works Colors he used- blue, red, yellow, black, and green (mostly primary colors)
The Poetess
El joven de la gabardina La tapicería roja (autorretrato)
Blue II and Blue III
Salvador Dalí ( ) “The Master of Surrealism” Born in Figueres, Spain (major theme) Wife- Gala (major influence and theme) Influenced by Sigmund Freud’s book The Interpretation of Dreams Only major artist to have 2 museums totally dedicated to his works
La persistencia de memoria
Swans Reflecting Elephants
The Hallucenogenic Torreador
José Clemente Orozco ( ) Mexican muralist Social realist- showed everyday people in everyday life; showed history Characteristics of works: Used dark colors (oranges, brown, blacks) Showed the suffering of the Indians
Padre Hidalgo: Grita de dolores Revolución
Diego Rivera ( ) Mexican muralist One of the founders of the Mexican mural renaissance Social realist Inspired by folk traditions (Maya & Aztec) Communist Married 5 times (to Frida Kahlo 2 times)
Vendedora de flores Mural of painting a mural