North Vandalia High School Our Technology Policy for High School Students
Presented by: Courtney Adams Secondary English Education Major
Ethics and Technology As responsible young adults, students should know how to ethically use technology in many areas. These areas are found on the following slides.
Copyright Laws As a teacher, I need to inform my students which information is allowed to be copied. Copyright Laws give authors of works exclusive rights to publish those works. Others may not publish or reproduce them. A work is copyrighted the moment it is produced. The Fair Use Clause allows others to copy small excerpts from copyrighted materials for study or research purposes only. It does not allow copying of entire works. Do not assume a work is “public domain” (and therefore free for any use) unless the author has been dead over 50 years, or it is stated that the work is dedicated to public domain.
Citations Students must learn to properly cite any sources they get off the Internet. This is found in any MLA or English handbook. Citations must be from reliable sources.
State Technology Standards for Students Students must learn how technology affects their society. Student must learn how to use technology ethically Students must learn how to effectively use the technology that is available to them. Students will use technology to organize, research, apply, and communicate. Application of Technology Standards for Students * Students will apply the technology standards for our state in the classroom by learning to use technology properly in their assignment and daily use.
Resources Students may access the Internet from the following places: Home Public Library School computer lab School library Local after-school centers (for high schoolers)
Equitable Access All student have equal right to have access to the computer at their disposal. As a teacher, I will ensure that each student has an opportunity to use the technology available. Each classroom has at least two computers for class use. The computer lab will be open during school hours and for one hour after school.