How to Recognize and What to Do About Drugs Drugs, Alcohol, RX Use Prevention Workshop Nancy L. Rose, MA, L.C.D.C. Coordinator Safe & Drug Free Schools and Communities Cypress-Fairbanks I. S. D.
SESSION OBJECTIVES Understand developmental issues as they relate to mental health Recognize the difference between healthy behavior and those behaviors which require intervention with trained specialists Identify causes, signs, and symptoms of drug/alcohol use Explore strategies for responding to students who may be involved in unhealthy or illegal behaviors Identify positive steps for helping students maintain good mental health
DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES Coping with physical, emotional, and intellectual changes Searching for own identity Critical of parents and authority Moody and self-centered Unpredictable; interested in new behaviors Strongly influenced by peer group and media
NATIONAL STATISTICS Tobacco use... –4 million teenagers regularly smoke –25% of high school seniors smoke –There is a link between smoking and drug/alcohol use among students Alcohol and other drugs... –Alcohol is America’s #1 drug problem among young people –Many students report that their first experience with drinking took place at age 10 –50% of automobile accidents, violence, suicide, and sexual involvement are the result of alcohol use
PREDISPOSING FACTORS For High-risk Behaviors Family history or alcoholism or other addictions Family stress or crisis with lack of social support Exposure at home to high-risk or unhealthy behaviors such as drinking, smoking Behavior meets with peer approval and acceptance Concerns about sexual orientation and social acceptance Poor performance in school or social isolation from peers Intense pressure for performance, academic achievement, athletic appearance, or other accomplishments Need for stimulation and high-risk behaviors
Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol or Other Drug Use Changes in behavior Lying, anger, hostility, aggression, extreme mood swings Indifference in appearance, withdrawal and isolation Loss of interest in hobbies and activities Sleeping during class Deteriorating performance at school or work; truancy/tardy Reluctance to discuss certain topics; changes in music and friends Identification with drug culture, in conversation, jokes, slogans on tee shirts, notebook graphics
–Physical and mental deterioration Short attention span Strange conversations, poor coordination Slurred speech, bloodshot eyes Persistent cough, runny nose Combination of hyperactivity and lethargy Stealing or constant need for money Pattern of rule violations at home and school Rumors of your teenager being involved in partying
Strategies for Responding to Drugs/Alcohol Use If you suspect a student is involved in drug/alcohol use –Establish rules and be consistent –Be knowledgeable about effects of drugs and school/local laws governing use –Check for signs and symptoms of use on a regular basis; follow protocol –State your concern; follow procedures established on your campus –Document behavior
STRATEGIES FOR SUPPORTING Healthy Lifestyle Choices Have on-going conversations about rules and expectations Set limits and enforce them consistently Praise for accomplishments Make your home an inviting place for teens Listen and acknowledge your child’s feelings Model and teach strategies for assertiveness Use current events to discuss health risks Encourage communication without judging
DID YOU KNOW? This is the reality!
Supervision Teenagers are more likely to be involved with drugs and other unhealthy behaviors between 3-6 p.m. when adults are not around. Source: National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
Meaningful Activities If a child is involved in positive after-school activities with adult supervision, such as sports, jobs, clubs, after- school programs, they are 48% less likely to get into trouble. If a child is involved in positive after-school activities with adult supervision, such as sports, jobs, clubs, after- school programs, they are 48% less likely to get into trouble. Source: National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
Inhalants Only tobacco and alcohol are more popular than inhalants among drug-using youngsters. Source: National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
Ecstasy Club drugs such as ecstasy can lead to depression, drug cravings, paranoia (and in some cases psychotic episodes), blurred vision and dangerous increases in heart rate and blood pressure. Source: National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
Prevention Tools Classrooms with clear rules and consequences, praising and rewarding desirable behavior help to prevent unhealthy behaviors. Source: National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
Illicit Drugs 53 % of young people have tried an illicit drug by the time they finish high school.53 % of young people have tried an illicit drug by the time they finish high school. If inhalant-use is included, 32% have tried an illicit drug as early as the 8th grade.If inhalant-use is included, 32% have tried an illicit drug as early as the 8th grade. Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Tobacco 27% of 12th graders are current smokers27% of 12th graders are current smokers 57% of young people have tried cigarettes by the 12th grade57% of young people have tried cigarettes by the 12th grade 31% of 8th graders have tried cigarettes31% of 8th graders have tried cigarettes Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Alcohol 78% of students have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school78% of students have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school 47% have done so by the 8th grade47% have done so by the 8th grade Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Marijuana 38% of all U.S. high school seniors have used marijuana in the last 12 months.38% of all U.S. high school seniors have used marijuana in the last 12 months. 89% say marijuana is “fairly easy” or “very easy” to get.89% say marijuana is “fairly easy” or “very easy” to get. Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse
YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! You are one of the most influential adults a student’s life.
Thank you for coming! While we worry about the difficult choices our students will make and the tough decisions they face, with love, support and encouragement they will be armed with the ability to protect and cherish their health. The more information we have the better guidance and direction we can give.