{ Student Orientation Decatur High School
Go to cafeteria or first floor rotunda. Academic wing entry requires a pass from teacher. No hanging out in the academic wing halls. Morning Routine
3 free tardies per semester Tardy consequence after school detention Unless after lunch lunch detention Varsity football after school detentions are served at 7am next day with Coach Fuller If you have an emergency that requires rescheduling a detention, you must talk to an administrator ahead of time to avoid further discipline. Lunch tardies are served in the cafeteria on the stage. After school tardies are served in the lecture hall. Tardies
Exit building if going off campus. Once in cafeteria, you can’t leave without teacher pass. Clean up after yourself, push in chairs. Must eat at round tables, not in hallways or by trophy cases. Stage areas reserved for detentions. Cannot hang out in the locker room. Lunch
Upon returning from lunch, must throw away drinks and food before going to class. Off Campus Lunch
Found on DHS Website. Shorts and skirts have to be longer than fingertip length. No spaghetti straps or tank tops (even if 4 fingers wide) that show your back. No holes in jeans above the knee. Leggings still require shirt/skirt length to be met. Tattoos should be covered. No hats in the building during the school day. Dress Code
Holding hands is ALL THAT IS ALLOWED. Public Display of Affection
Phones: The rule is it can’t be visible or audible while class is in session. Your teachers may give you specific permission otherwise, but we will enforce this rule. If the teacher asks for the phone, give it to him/her. Do not argue. Refer to handbook on website for cell phone policy. Headphones: Not allowed in classroom unless teacher gives specific permission to use them. Electronic Devices
Stand quietly during pledges; no talking during classroom announcements. If you’re in the hallway during morning announcements, please stop wherever you are for pledges AND moment of silence. During pep rallies, please stand and do not talk through the National Anthem. Please be respectful to adults in the building. “Yes, ma’am” and “No, ma’am” go a long way. Keep your campus clean. Respectful Behavior
Must have permit to park. Deadline for $35 is Sept 19. Students may not park in visitor loop or faculty or CTE building parking lots. Drive carefully and respectfully. We want you all back safely!!! Parking
Can wear body paint, but you must be dressed, which includes a shirt. We want spirit and support. Your ideas are welcome. No profanity or taunting opponents, players, or officials. Sporting Events
TURN IT IN, ON TIME. Schedule tutorials if you’re struggling. You get out of school what you put into it. Homework