2 Background Survey designed to help the department understand the perceptions and needs in the community Results will be used to enhance policing services Provides a baseline for future surveys Partnered with Glengyle Research and the UNH Survey Center
5 Survey / Response Rate Paper survey (census) via US Mail – Total of 723 surveys mailed Sent one survey to each household in Newfields 445 households via US Mail rural route Sent one survey to each PO Box 278 Newfields Post Office Response rate – We received 220 surveys – We excluded one from our analysis since it was blank – from a club – Total 219 surveys back – Response rate 30.3%
6 Respondent Demographics Do you own or rent your home? Gender What is your age? n = 216 n = 206 n = 211
7 Respondent Demographics How many adults (over the age of 18) live in your household? Average: 2 n=207 How many children (under age 18) live in your household? Average 1 n=208
8 Do you feel safe in Newfields? 97.3% of the respondents feel safe or very safe in Newfields n = 216
9 Do you think crime in Newfields has increased, stayed the same, or decreased over the last 12 months? n = 201
10 Have you limited, changed, or curtailed your activities in Newfields because you are concerned about crime? n = 214
11 How concerned are you about: Your personal safety Day Time n = 213 Night Time n = 213
12 How concerned are you about: Your children are safe Day Time n = 197 Night Time n = 198
13 How concerned are you about: Children exposed to drugs Day Time n = 204 Night Time n = 205
14 How concerned are you about: People using drugs Day Time n = 211 Night Time n = 211
15 How concerned are you about: People dealing drugs Day Time n = 209 Night Time n = 208
16 How concerned are you about: Theft / burglary at your residence Day Time n = 212 Night Time n = 214
17 How concerned are you about: People Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Day Time n = 211 Night Time n = 208
18 How concerned are you about: People speeding Day Time n = 212 Night Time n = 213
19 How concerned are you about the following issues in Newfields? Annoying car horns/stereos/alarms Cars not yielding to pedestrians Illegal dumping/littering n = 210 n = 212 n = 213
20 How concerned are you about the following issues in Newfields? Inadequate street lighting Internet/Computer crimes Parking/traffic problems n = 206 n = 208 n = 209
21 How concerned are you about the following issues in Newfields? Pedestrians crossing roads outside of crosswalks Screeching tires or misuse of vehicle power Speeding cars n = 208 n = 212 n = 214
22 How concerned are you about the following issues in Newfields? Stray/barking dogs Trespassing on your property Vandalism/graffiti n = 210 n = 212 n = 209
23 Have you had any contact with the Newfields Police Department in the past three years? n = 213
24 Were you treated professionally and with dignity and respect during your contact with the Newfields Police Department? n = 175
25 How do you rate the service the Newfields Police Department provides you? 93.4% of respondents rated police service as Excellent or Good n = 211
26 Do you believe the town should provide 24 hour police coverage? Currently the budget allows for 20 hours per day. (7:00 am – 3:00 am) n = 208
27 A tax increase may be required to provide 24 hour police coverage. How much per year would you pay towards 24 hour police coverage? n = 120
28 Do you believe the town should start putting funds aside for expanded space for the department? n = 209
29 Do you believe the police department should be accredited to help reduce risk and insurance premiums? n = 194
30 Are you aware the Police Department will check your home when you are away?
31 Are you aware the Police Department works with local churches to supply food, cooked meals, clothes, and holiday gifts for area residents?
32 Are you aware of the Police Department’s “Helpful Hands” program? Helpful Hands provides assistance to residents during emergency events (storms, power outages, other emergencies).
33 Would a child in your household be interested in a Police Department sponsored youth development program providing positive experiences to help young people mature and prepare them to become responsible and caring adults?
34 Additional Comments Total – 108 open ended comments received