Social Europe Demography, pension and family policy in the EU 22 September 2015 ettore marchetti european commission
Social Europe Source: UN+Eurostat population projections
Social Europe Population projections Source: Eurostat population projections
Social Europe Worrying outlook in 4 Member States Source: Eurostat, population projections
Social Europe Problems mainly in the East Depopulation, ageing, especially 2030->> Well-structured but poor social support Losing young professionals to migration Long-term care almost inexistent But also in the west Some rural areas too sparsely populated Manage shrinking, ageing at local level Adapting cities, transport
Social Europe The role of the EU Directives, e.g., on parental leave, pension age equality Funds, e.g., ERDF, ESF “soft approach”: open method of coordination research, innovation peer reviews
Social Europe The EU and demography/ageing Policy responsibility remains with the Member States. EU monitors ageing-related spending to ensure sustainability of public finances. EU promotes cooperation to foster mutual learning and better policy making in the Member States. EU responsible for certain cross-border issues: Protecting rights of people who have moved to another country; Regulating provision of services across borders. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 7
Social Europe The products of the EU Barcelona targets on child-care Strategy for equality between women and men Research Data, e.g., population projections Innovative solutions Social Investment Package fostering ECEC, gender equality, ->
Social Europe 12_ageing_report_en.htm Providing a common ground, common objectives Ageing Report “infographics”
Social Europe
The Active Ageing Index in Poland
Social Europe Manpower becomes more diverse, EU-27 Source: Eurostat, population projections
Social Europe Employment rates by birthplace, EU-27 Source: Eurostat, labour force survey 2013
Social Europe Older Population diversity, EU-27 Source: Eurostat, population projections 2010 Foreign background share among the 65+
Social Europe Pension adequacy 1.Current adequacy is good 2.Adequacy threatened in the medium term 3.Need to foster longer working lives … 4.… and help those that cannot work longer 5.A rising issue with migrants 6.Women to reply more and more on own pensions
Social Europe Convergence in higher education Source: Eurostat, labour force survey 2013 Shares of ISCED 5-8 by age group
Social Europe Persisting differences in early school-leavers Source: Eurostat, labour force survey 2013 Shares of ISCED 0-2 by age group
Social Europe Education trends Source: Eurostat, population projections Higher-educated cohorts will probably have higher employment rates but not relative to EU’s competition Women to catch up more on men South and especially east Europe to catch up on West/North Higher Life-expectancy
Social Europe Women in families Source: Eurostat, population statistics Marriage and divorce rates
Social Europe Women at work Source: Eurostat, labour force survey 2013 Gender employment gap, EU15
Social Europe Policies on family Reconciliation Of the two-directive 2008 package, parental leave made it, maternal leave abandoned in 2015 New strategy more comprehensive Reconciliation Address labour shortage Make use of women skills Options for policy mixes between legislation (flexible leave, carers leave, parental leave, …) and non (monitoring, benchmarking, targets)
Social Europe Demographic change – Europe 2020 end