OUTLINE Website Introduction Course Outline – three different courses in one class Expectations Course Calendar Assignments due for Tuesday, February 4 – NO LATES Videos /Stats Your Job/My Job
MODULE 1 – INTRO TO CAREER DEVELOPMENT Objectives: Understand career development concepts and apply them to a personal career development process Career Development Model What is a career? Differentiate between job, occupation, and career definitions Concept of work Why work? Reasons to work. Changing workplace/force – labour market info Career Awareness Experiences/Exposure/Active Role
CAREER DEVELOPMENT MODEL Knowing Yourself Personality; values; skills; interests; knowledge; etc. Explore Your Options Trends, info, co-op, job shadows, ii, gain experience, research, networking Choose a Direction Decision making, objectives, goals, life long learning, options, networking, try things out, job shadow, Pursuing Your Goals Course of action, plans, volunteer, Join the workforce Re-evaluate/Reflect/New Goals
HIGH FIVE MESSAGES What doe you think the five messages are? Video Intro to NCDW VideosIntro to NCDW Videos Handout
WHAT IS A CAREER? Your Career is the sum total of your life experiences! Examples …
Career Activities with friends Clubs, hobbies, sports Lifestyle School experiences Family activities Life long learning Community involvement Unpaid work Paid work Relationships Life Roles
KEY TERMS - HANDOUT There will be a quiz on career, career development model and this terms tomorrow on the quia site.
WHY WORK? REASONS? Brainstorm …
WHY WORK? REASONS? Money/Trade/Barter/Can’t do everything You can get a lot out of working! It doesn’t have to be something you have to do! Economic Reasons Food, shelter, clothing, independence, skills Social Interaction Meet new people/network, new interests, acceptance, active, make friends, help people, allows you to be with others, contribute to society, Self Respect Sense of accomplishment, praise, self-confidence Work Satisfaction Happy, healthy, less likely to be late or take days off, happier home life, enjoyment and satisfaction beats out money a lot of the time Team Basic human psychological need (belonging), pride, love, group effort Feeling Useful, Being active Sense of purpose and direction, community, contributing
ASSIGNMENT 1.Title Page – Why people work? Name, date, class 2.Conduct your own research: 1.Interview two adults and ask the following questions: 1.What are the main reasons you work? 2.Do you enjoy your work? 3.Did you plan to enter this line of work? 4.Is your work rewarding and important to your life? How? 5.What advice do you have for youth today in relation to working and career choices? 2.Answer the following questions for yourself. 1.In addition to money, list three other rewards/reasons for work that are most meaningful to you. 2.What occupations do you think are most valuable to our society? 3.Why are some jobs seem to be valued more highly than other? Explain. 4.Which occupations do you think are undervalued?
Contribution - occupations-contribute-most-to-society/ occupations-contribute-most-to-society/
TYPES OF WORK - STATS Examples … work-arrangement-and-hours/
TYPES OF WORK Full Time Employment Part Time Seasonal Contract Casual Job Sharing Virtual/Remote/Tele Entrepreneurship Consulting Portoflio Piece work
CHANGING WORKFORCE/WORKPLACE New skill set Types of work Outsourcing Automation Technology Economy Baby boomers Community Global market Changing work patterns Pink collar/while collar New Generation/X/Y/Milleniums Education Skills Shortage Women/Parental Leave/Balance
ASSESSMENT Mini Assignment #1 Hang onto notes for quia quiz after self assessment unit. Next Unit Self Assessment - PORTFOLIO Needs Learning Style Interests ($13 or Career Cruising) Holland Personality Multiple Intelligence Values Skills Weaknesses Self-Concept