Institutional Setup for MSDP Area
Introduction Disaster increasing worldwide Greatly impact development
Introduction SOURCE: M RACHEL, 2011
Introduction SOURCE: R Pielke, Jr. 2013
Disaster Development Linkage SOURCE: Stephenson 1997
Disaster Development Linkage Disaster setbacks development Infrastructure destroyed by flood Disaster creates opportunity for development After earthquake, earthquake proof housing is built in Mexico
Disaster Development Linkage Development increases the susceptibility of disaster and Housing project in the eastern fringe of Dhaka city would create waterlogging in Dhaka City Development can be designed to decrease vulnerability from disaster Building built under higher wind parameter would survive stronger wind
MSDP Area Paurashava/ UnionAreaPopulation in 2001 acresHectares%Number% Mymensingh Paurashava 5, , , % Akua 3, , , % Baera (Kewatkhali) 1, , % Bhabkhali 7, , , % Char Ishwardia 7, , , % Char Nilakshmia 8, , , % Dapunia 7, , , % Ghagra 8, , , % Khagdahar 6, , , % Sirta 7, , , % Bhangnamari 6, , , % Total area 69, , ,
Present Legislation on Planning স্হানীয় সরকার ( পৌরসভা ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৫০ উপধারা ১গ উপধারা ২ক - ঙ Paurashava to prepare and manage development plan স্হানীয় সরকার ( ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৪৭ উপধারা ১ঘ prepare and implement economic and social plan
Present Legislation on Planning উপজেলা পরিষদ আইন ১৯৯৮ সংশোধিত ২০০৯, ধারা ৪২ prepare and implement development plan as long as upazilla could support the plan financially may seek suggestion/ consult union parisad regarding development No law could supersede the other
Existing rules and legislation on Disaster Management দূর্যোগ ব্যবস্হাপনা আইন ২০১২ ধারা ৯ উপধারা ক Entrusted Disaster Management Directorate for taking action on DRR দূর্যোগ ব্যবস্হাপনা আইন ২০১২ ধারা ১৮ উপধারা ১, উপধারা ২ District, Upazilla, Union and Paurashava level committee for Disaster Management District, Upazilla and Paurashava level co- ordination group for Disaster Management during diaster
Existing rules and legislation on Disaster Management Standing Order on Disaster Defined the duties and responsibilities of these committees and groups
Existing Institutional Set Up Only one planner in Paurashava
Overcoming the issues Creating parastatal body like RAJUK No supervision by elected body
Proposed Body Mymensingh Development Management Authority Act as custodian of the plan Review the plan regularly and act accordingly, issue development permit for building construction, infrastructure development any other functions that deemed necessary for management and implementation of MSDP Should be a regulatory authority not development authority
Composition Led by Chief Planning Officer Supported by Planning Officers, Assistant Planning Officers and officers for disaster Management Governed by governing council
Governing Council Chaired by Mymensingh Sadar Upazilla Chairman Vice Chairs Gouripur Upazilla Chairman and Mayor of Mymensingh Paurashava Representatives from UNOs of Mymensingh Sadar Upazilla and Gauripur Upazilla, Mymensingh Zilla Parishad, Disaster Management Directorate, Civil Society and Professional Organizations Member Secretary Chief Planning Office
Proposed Law Suspend স্হানীয় সরকার ( পৌরসভা ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৫০ উপধারা ১গ উপধারা ২ক - ঙ ; স্হানীয় সরকার ( ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ ) আইন ২০০৯, ধারা ৪৭ উপধারা ১ঘ ; ( উপজেলা পরিষদ আইন ১৯৯৮ সংশোধিত ২০০৯, ধারা ৪২ in MDMA area
Reference Pielke R, Jr.(2013), Roger Pielke, Jr.’s blog at of-day-global-disasters-and-gdp.html of-day-global-disasters-and-gdp.html Rachel M (2011), Climate Change and Weather related hazard at mate-change-and-weather-related-disasters mate-change-and-weather-related-disasters RAJUK (1996), Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan , Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka Stephenson, R. S. (1997). Disaster and Development: Study Text and Course Guide for C280 -DD02. Madison, University of Wisconsin - Disaster Management Center.