PHYSCIAL CHANGES When a substance changes form or state. (although the substance remains the same) Example: The chocolate dip ice cream cone. LIQUID (chocolate) SOLID (chocolate) TRY TO COME UP WITH OTHER EXAMPLES OF PHYSICAL CHANGE
CHANGES OF STATE SOLID LIQUID GAS melting freezing (solidification) vaporization (evaporation) condensation sublimation Can you think of examples???
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Describes the ability of a substance to react with another substance to form one or more new substances (chemical reactions) 1.combustibility - the ability of a substance to burn in air ex. hairspray, propane (very combustible) 2. reaction with water/ oxygen / acids ex. gold does not react quickly with oxygen silver oxidizes (tarnishes) with oxygen
CHEMICAL CHANGES When a substance is changed into one or more different substances that have different properties. Example: combustion – burning propane (C 3 H 8 ) O2O2 +C3H8C3H8 CO 2 +H2OH2O light/ heat + REACTANTSPRODUCTS CHEMICAL EQUATION
Chemical reactions which r elease energy (i.e. feel hotter) are called: EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS Chemical reactions which a bsorb energy (i.e. feel colder) are called: ENDOTHERMIC REACTIONS
IDENTIFYING A CHEMICAL CHANGE Colour change ( note: does not always mean a chemical change has occurred ) 2. Heat or light is produced
3. Bubbles/gas are formed. A solid material ( precipitate ) forms in a liquid. 5. The change is difficult to reverse.
BURNING CANDLE Physical or chemical change? Burning wick (chemical) Melting wax (physical) dripping wax (physical)