**************************** Tips to help you get the interview results you want!
Assess your strengths and skills Look at work history to find your strengths Make a list of your successes Take time to review any failures Think about what you really want Think about what you never want to do again
Research the company Go to their website Use a search engine Look for them on social media ◦ LinkedIn ◦ Twitter ◦ Facebook ◦ GlassDoor
Carefully read job description Highlight key requirements & skills Look up any terms you don’t know Brush up on key skills not recently used
Familiarize yourself with entire resume Compare job description to resume Note points of similarity Create work history success stories
Get comfortable talking about yourself Ask friends or family to play interviewer Record yourself if possible Imagine yourself doing well in the interview
Check out CareerNook.com How To Make Your Interview Go Really Well! How To Make Your Interview Go Really Well!