Community building and exchange platform for “The Eco-Innovation Action Plan (EcoAP)” Quentin Galland, EU Affairs Consultant - Arctik
Communication activities Editorial activities Participation to conferences and events Development of a media network Twitter Video capsules
Objectives, challenges & drivers Primary aim Raise awareness about the Eco Innovation Action Plan (policy aspects), the platform and the community (online and EcoAP Fora) “Be the platform on eco-innovation” Monitor EU eco-innovation initiatives Challenges ‘Crowded’ communication environment on eco-innovation: DG Growth, DG ENV, DG Regio, DG RTD, DG COM…, EEA, Eco-Innovera,… Ensure EcoAP’s position as primary spokesperson of eco-innovation Drivers Eco-innovations create opportunities for public and private organisations (resource efficiency, public image…) EcoAP is a long standing EU initiative (started in 2004 with ETAP) that is recognised within EU and national public institutions
Editorial line Raise the understanding of eco-innovation in order to expand the reach of the eco-innovation debate Place eco-innovation next to other EU key policies: business, environment, competition, growth, employment, etc. Set out positively the business case for eco-innovation as a means of sustaining competitiveness Inform about replicable good practices and initiatives
Editorial line Themes: policy matters, expert interviews, good practice examples, R&D green technology, innovative business practices, finance/funding… Sources: Editorial Board meetings, good practice examples posted on EcoAP platform, news sites & relevant agencies (EU level and national level), contacts with EU eco-innovation networks (e.g. ECOPOL & Eco-Innovation Observatory), and contacts from events and conferences. Selection: thematic and geographic spread, applicability/transferability, topicality (e.g. coordination with Eco-Innovation Forum), not too commercial (usually only if recognised independently)
Editorial activities Newsletters 5 languages: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT 2 per month: 3 articles ( words), 3-4 "Hot News" (external links), 4-5 upcoming events & 2-3 news items posted on EcoAP platform …in figure 149 articles (in 5 languages each): 59 on Policy Matters, 60 on Good Practices, 16 Expert interviews, 5 Business & funding, 3 R&D 52 editions of the newsletter sent to over 10,000 subscribers (stable since 2011) Distribution of the newsletter: DE, BE, IT, FR, ES and UK 5-10% each AS, GR, PT, NL, DN, CZ and SE up to 5 % each All 28 Member States represented, plus US, Canada, Turkey, Brazil…
Conferences and events Objectives Promote EU eco-innovation related initiatives to business representatives Position the EcoAP platform as primary eco-innovation spokesperson in Europe Activities Participation to 5 conferences (1-2 days) per year in Europe Selection of events Man the stand, participation to conferences and match-makings Report contacts, discussions and outputs of the events ….in figure Since 2013, participation to more than 16 events (BE, FR, UK, NL, ES, BG, LT, IT, DE)! Average of 50 numbers of contact per day Average of 30 real – in depth contacts per conference
Media network Objectives Development of a press database EU Affairs correspondents National journalists International environment journalists Activities Organise press points Answering media questions Issuing press release …in figure Database includes around 500 journalists
Social media - account managed by the EASME for EU Eco-innovation initatives Arctik with information about events and suggests tweets on a regular basis …. in figures 2,103 tweets 3,572 followers
Video capsules Eco-InnoVideos: new in 2015 Concept: Short interviews (2-3 min) with eco-innovation experts Aim: Get expert’s views on eco-innovation while introduce dynamic communication format on the platform …in figure 6-8 interviews with business, academics and policy makers in 2015
Thank you for your attention! Quentin Galland, Arctik