Employment, Income, Housing & Education: Topics for Sweep 2 Employment, Income, Housing & Education: Topics for Sweep 2 These topics provide a picture of the Household Economy, in which to set the family’s economic circumstances. The prime focus must be the current situation, but a history of what has a happened since last interview is highly desirable. The scope for using ‘feed forward’ or ‘dependent’ interviewing on a selective basis to be considered: Improves accuracy, courtesy to informants, may save time Topics not included in Sweep 1 in italics EMPLOYMENT, INCOME & HOUSING, PETER SHEPHERD (IoE)
Topic Current Situation History Employment (both parents) Economic status SOC S/C, sex type, firm size. Earnings, hours, supervision, journey time, family friendly policies, fringe benefits, leave, job search Dates of current spell stated Other spells since last visit
Topic Current Situation History Income and Earnings Snapshot only? Pay period gross/net Odd jobs Child tax credit Benefits Other sources Total amount received Bank accounts, assets, savings, financial difficulties in debt? Better off than last time? Changes and stability of resources over time
Topic Current Situation History Housing and durables Current provision Type, tenure, size Condition, heating, facilities Durables Computer use (ask re child) TV use by child Change since 9 months Date moved in (If since interview) reason homeless since last interview Extra addresses since 9 months
Topic If same people If new interviewee EducationAsk only about new qualifications Repeat questions asked at 9 months Age at school leaving Highest qualifications Basic Skills
Grandparents occupation Topic in reserve from Sweep 1 Domestic division of labour Repeat as Sweep 1/Ask father/substitute Household financial management? Expenditureeg housing, childcare Time budgetsSimple questions in self completion?