What should I do if journalists ask to interview me ? ‘Back to school’ training programme 30 September 2010 Dennis Abbott Spokesperson for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
So, you’ve been asked for an interview…
Don’t be afraid!
Helps get our message across
Usually ‘off-the-record’
…but often ‘on-the-record’ for B2S
Before you go ‘back to school’
Try to set up interviews Try to set up interviews Speak to local COMRep Press Officer… Speak to local COMRep Press Officer… …or Europe Direct Centre …or Europe Direct Centre Speak to the school Speak to the school
The big day…
Prepare three main messages
Use examples What has the EU achieved in the region?
Ask for the questions in advance
Is the interview ‘live’?
Check your appearance!
Think about the backdrop
During the interview
Be short
For TV = 15 seconds
For written media = 30 seconds
Speak slowly and calmly!
Avoid jargon Would an 11-year-old understand you?
Look at the interviewer, not the camera
Get your points across
OK to answer questions about: yourself yourself B2S B2S Commission’s work Commission’s work Why EU matters Why EU matters
Avoid questions about: National politics National politics Sensitive political issues Sensitive political issues Detailed policy questions outside your knowledge Detailed policy questions outside your knowledge
What not to say… …about the economic crisis, for example
A better way would be…
What if you’re asked about something outside your competence?
Don’t panic! Be diplomatic. “Thanks for the question…”
Never say ‘No comment’
"I am here to talk to young people about my work and why Europe matters to them. But we have experts on the question you ask and I can put you in touch with them."
“That’s a national matter.”
When it’s all over…
Did journalists get what they needed?
Anything you missed?
Offer to check facts/quotes
Give them your contact details!
Don’t be afraid Don’t be afraid Things to do before you go back to school Things to do before you go back to school Preparing for the interview Preparing for the interview Things to be aware of during the interview Things to be aware of during the interview What you can say, and what you should avoid What you can say, and what you should avoid Things to do at the end of the interview Things to do at the end of the interview What have I been talking about?
Thanks for your attention Dennis Abbott European Commission Spokesperson for Education, Culture, Multlingualism & Youth