Summary and plans for the WG1 activity H.Grote – AEI Hannover G.Losurdo – INFN Firenze/Urbino Explorer Nautilus Virgo
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover WG1: Antennas Commissioning and Characterization Objectives –To speed up the commissioning and the characterization of Virgo and GEO by means of a deeper collaboration between the two teams –To develop common methods of characterization of interferometric GW detectors to be applied to Virgo and GEO –To provide inputs for establishing priorities for short term improvements of the existing interferometric detectors on the base of the Virgo and GEO characterization Budget for travels: 30 keuro/year from 2004 to 2007
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover The group S.Hild H.Grote (co-chairman) H.Lueck J.Smith M.Barsuglia A.Freise (now GEO) H. Heitmann P.La Penna G.Losurdo (co-chairman) L.Taffarello M.Visco Not a closed group: we can invite other people involved in WG1 topics to participate GEO600 Virgo Bars Explorer Nautilus
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover The Meetings At least 4 meetings per year, can be more Presentations with simultaneous discussion, we use to have a pretty open schedule and lively discussions 'Hot topics' for in-depth discussion/analysis of an actual commissioning subject –1kHz glitches in GEO: detector characterization –Automatic alignment in Virgo: discussion of measurements and topologies Invite non-appointed people to give talks We plan to have a 1-year PostDoc, covered by our running budg Participate to “commissioning meetings” of the two detectors: getting more involved into the commissioning life of the others Share progressively the noise puzzles, write common internal reports
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover 6 working group meetings held
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover WG1: 4-years execution plan Annual report Recommandations report for short term improvements GEO/Virgo joint noise characterization YEAR 4 Annual report GEO/Virgo joint noise characterization Implementation of common characterization algorithms YEAR 3 Annual report Recommandations report for short term improvements GEO/Virgo joint noise characterization Development of common characterization algorithms YEAR 2 Annual report Working group set-up GEO/Virgo noise sources comparison YEAR 1 DELIVERABLESMILESTONES
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover 1 st year milestones Working group set up Web page set up (meeting agendas, presentations and minutes available) GEO/Virgo noise sources comparison, work started: –Comparing detector subsystems –Comparing detector operation –Comparing tools for data analysis –Comparing noise characterization methods
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover WG1: The first meetings Getting to know each other Understand where we are and where we are going: talks on detector status Develop a common language: talks on single detector subsystems of commissioning topics, demos of detector operation Noise characterization: talks on noise analysis methods and on data tools
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover GEO data read with Virgo dataDisplay A.Freise
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover GEO data read with Virgo dataDisplay A.Freise
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover WG1: Recent meetings With the fully locked Virgo, the noise reduction became a core topic for all participants Particular requests for topics come up beforehand of the meeting, reflecting common problems / solutions –Control topologies –Automatic alignment –Scattered / Diffused light –Servo loop design –...
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover GEO/Virgo joint noise characterization Development of common algorithms –Noise projections of GEO style are done in Virgo –Seismic noise analysis of Virgo style is used in GEO (windmills) Detailed discussions of particular noise sources –Feedback noise (DAC, electronic noise) –Oscillator phase noise –Frequency noise –... Proposal of short term improvements comes naturally out of this, but also needs some particular thinking Invite non-appointed people to give talks We plan to have a 1-year PostDoc, covered by our running budg Participate to “commissioning meetings” of the two detectors: getting more involved into the commissioning life of the others Share progressively the noise puzzles, write common internal reports
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover A common noise example: Diffused light Invite non-appointed people to give talks We plan to have a 1-year PostDoc, covered by our running budg Participate to “commissioning meetings” of the two detectors: getting more involved into the commissioning life of the others Share progressively the noise puzzles, write common internal reports No Filter Filter to reduce scatt. Filter to force scatt. GEO VIRGO
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover Virgo and GEO sensitivities
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover Noise Reduction in Auriga By L.Taffarello
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover Related Activities Invitation of non-appointed people to give talks –L. BarsottiLocking of full Virgo –I. FioriWindmills Project –R. FlaminioModul. Frequency Mismatch –R. GouatyNoise Analysis in C4-C5 runs –M. MantovaniLinear Alignment –G. MayerWindmills Project –E. TournefierOptical Characterization –G. VajenteLinear Alignment, Diffused Light We plan to have a 1-year PostDoc, covered by the WG1 budget. A candidate is identified and we currently discuss the modalities Invite non-appointed people to give talks We plan to have a 1-year PostDoc, covered by our running budg Participate to “commissioning meetings” of the two detectors: getting more involved into the commissioning life of the others Share progressively the noise puzzles, write common internal reports
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover Other activities: The Windmills project Sub-group of WG1 formed for particular research task: Seismic noise analysis and its relation to windmills close to the GEO detector site 5 'windmill-group' members from outside the WG1 core, with help from S.Hild and H.Lück The 'whole story' and first results: I. Fioris talk Invite non-appointed people to give talks We plan to have a 1-year PostDoc, covered by our running budg Participate to “commissioning meetings” of the two detectors: getting more involved into the commissioning life of the others Share progressively the noise puzzles, write common internal reports
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover WP1 : Next 9.N5 - Table 2 – GWA - First 18 months Implementation Plan Tasks and Deliverables13 th to 18 th month19 th to 24 th month25 th to 30 th month WP 1: Antennas commissioning and characterization Tasks: Analysis and comparison of main sources limiting the Virgo and GEO sensitivities Comparison of characterization methodologies Preparation of recommendation for short term improvemen Writing of annual report Reciprocal exchange of software tools Development of common algorithms Start implementation of common algorithms Writing of progress report Deliverables: - Annual Report - Progress Report
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover Conclusive remarks A group of enthusiastic people deeply involved in GW detector commissioning has been set up The group is an open and permanent workshop for collaborative noise characterization With the full lock of Virgo, the commissioning topics got close together, very effective discussion takes place Besides the noise studies, some investigation of recommendation for short term improvements has to be done, as well as the preparation of software tools exchange The work starts to yield fruits
ILIAS-GWA/STREGA – Mallorca, Oct 24th, 2005 H.Grote – AEI Hannover WP1 : The first 18 monthes Tasks and Deliverables 1 st to 6 th month7 th to 12 th month13 th to 18 th month WP 1: Antennas commissioning and characterization Tasks: Set-up working group Set-up WEB site Analysis and comparison of main sources limiting the Virgo and GEO sensitivities Writing of annual report Comparison of characterization methodologies Preparation of recommendation for short term improvement Deliverables: - Annual Report