Long-distance running Definition of Running Long-Distance How to Start My Sport Interviews
Definition of Running Running is a light, regular, continious movement. The shifting of weight happens fast, from one leg onto the other, while both legs are in the air for a short time. The body is a bit bowed, the arms support the movement by resonate reciprocally (right arm and left leg and the other way round). The speed is fast.
Long-Distance Running between 5000 and meters is known as long- distance-running. The long-distance run takes place in the “aerob sphere”, which means that the transformation of energy in the muscles effects completely by combustion of glucose. The longest distance, at which the stop-watch isn’t stopped during the night’s rest, is about 1000 miles (1609km) and lasts circa two weeks.
How to Start 10 weeks training for the first 10k race faster than an hour Condition: ability to run 50 minutes Demands: 4 units per week between 6 and 12 kilometres Monday: - Tuesday: long distance Wednesday: - Thursday: short distance Friday: - Saturday: speed-training Sunday: long distance, very slow
My Sport Long-dictance running 20 years old Started at the age of 7 Distances between 10 and 21km 10km in 49,51minutes Train between 3 and 5 times a week
Interview - Natascha Up-and-coming talent from „Eintracht Frankfurt“ 19 years old She started at the age of 4 Started because her father asked her to Distances between 800 and m Trains between 7 and 8 times a week
Interview – E. Schweikert PE-teacher at Comprehensiveschool Leverkusen 35 years old She started in the age of 13 Started because she was in a sports-club and to decrease aggression and frustration Distances between 5 and 42km