Chapter 4 Preparing Spoken and Written Messages
Objectives 1. Apply techniques for developing effective sentences and unified and coherent paragraphs 2. Identify factors affecting readability and revise messages to improve readability 3. Prepare visually appealing documents that grab the receiver’s attention and increase comprehension 4. Revise and proofread a message for content, organization, and style; mechanics; and format and layout
Planning and Preparing Messages Chapter 4 Lecture Slide Step 4 Organize the message Step 5 Prepare the first draft Step 6 Revise and proofread for accuracy and desired impact
Craft Powerful Sentences Use correct sentence structure Review pp Review Appendix C Rely on active voice Review pp Emphasize important ideas Review pp
Coordinate Conjunctions — AND, BUT, SO Require only a comma to link independent clauses The contract was approved, but the work was not completed. Susan was upset, so she left her job. The contract was approved, but the work was not completed. Susan was upset, so she left her job. Adverbial Conjunctions —THEREFORE, HOWEVER, NEVERTHELESS Require a semicolon and a comma to link independent clauses Omitted Conjunctions Require a semicolon to link independent clauses The contract was approved; the work was not completed. Susan was upset; she left her job. The contract was approved; the work was not completed. Susan was upset; she left her job. The contract was approved; however, the work was not completed. Susan was upset; therefore, she left her job. The contract was approved; however, the work was not completed. Susan was upset; therefore, she left her job. Punctuating Compound Sentences Chapter 4
Developing Coherent Paragraphs Develop deductive and inductive paragraphs consistently Link ideas to achieve coherence Keep paragraphs unified Vary sentence and paragraph length Chapter 4
Developing Coherent Paragraphs Position the topic sentence appropriately Topic sentence-one sentence that identifies the central idea Deductive-topic sentence precedes details Inductive-topic sentence follow details
Developing Coherent Paragraphs Link ideas to achieve coherence Each sentence is in some way “linked” to the preceding sentences
Developing Coherent Paragraphs Techniques Repeat a word from the preceding sentence Use a pronoun that represents a noun used in the preceding sentence – …to take responsibility. It can be shared Use connecting words – However, therefore, yet, nevertheless, in addition – “He wanted to on vacation. However, he had to complete his work.”
Developing Coherent Paragraphs Keep paragraphs unified Receivers expect the first paragraph to introduce a topic Additional paragraphs discuss the topic A final paragraph tie them together In-between paragraphs should be arranged in a systematic sequence
Developing Coherent Paragraphs Vary sentence and paragraph length Short or average length are preferred 8-10 lines Keeping all sentences the same length is undesirable Figure 4-1
Planning and Preparing Messages Improve readability ─ Assess reading level to adjust to receiver’s needs ─ Use grammar checkers to calculate readability, locate grammatical errors, and improve writing style ─ Apply visual enhancements to design appealing documents that are easy to read Revise and proofread using systematic procedures Chapter 4 Lecture Slide Step 4 Organize the message Step 5 Prepare the first draft Step 6 Revise and proofread for accuracy and desired impact
Chapter 4 Lecture Slide Factors Affecting Readability Desirable readability index for business writing 8–11 grade Difficulty of words Sentence length
Revise and Proofread Use grammar checkers to improve readability Select the checking style (casual, standard, formal, or technical) Apply visual enhancements Highlight important information Use only when they aid comprehension
Revise and Proofread Use enumerations to emphasize units in a series Bullets usually desired Use numbers or letter if the series is critical (steps)
Revise and Proofread Headings Signpost that direct the receiver from one section to another – Major headings – Subheadings Tables and graphs clarify information Lines and borders can focus attention
Procedures for Proofreading 1. Use spell check to locate keying errors and repeated words 2. Print a draft of the document 3. Proofread several times 1 st for content, organization, and style 2 nd for mechanical errors 3 rd if document is non-routine or complex 4. Edit for format and layout 5. Print on high-quality paper Chapter 4 Lecture Slide
Cultivate a Frame of Mind for Effective Revising and Proofreading Attempt to see things from your audience’s perspective rather than from your own Revise documents until you cannot see further improvements Allow others to make suggestions for improving your writing Chapter 4
Tips for Writing Effectively at the Computer Hone computer skills by continuing to learn new features that improve efficiency Use physical appearance of documents to help organize and present ideas Integrate the thinking and writing processes Use spell check, thesaurus, and grammar checker Mark needed corrections on printed copy and reprint in final form Chapter 4
Summary 1. Apply techniques for developing effective sentences and unified coherent paragraphs 2. Identify factors affecting readability and revise sentences to improve readability 3. Prepare visually appealing documents that grab the receiver’s attention and increase comprehension 4. Revise and proofread a message for content, organization, style, mechanics, format, and layout