Membership Recruitment Lara Mallett - Business Development Manager Eastern and East Midlands regions Thursday 23 rd February 2012
Attendees comments on what they wanted from the session: What is the IMechE strategy for recruitment? How can we recruit better? What support can we provide new members? Why is there a drive for member recruitment? Different groups will require different benefits and support. How do we recruit good engineers? We should be converting non IMechE members who attend IMechE events to become members. Converting Affiliates to Associates. New ideas for recruitment. Need to focus on Young Members. Get registered events work really well. Interested in new original ideas for recruitment.
1. In how many countries do we have members? In which country outside the UK do we have the most amount of members? Malaysia Bonus question – how many in the country? What is the average age of an IMechE professionally registered Member? 41 4.What region in mainland UK has the most number of members? Scotland Bonus question – how many? Which region in mainland UK has the least number of members? South Wales Bonus question – how many? 2444 A Quiz
Group Work: Where should the IMechE be recruiting, which individuals (categories)? 1. Come up with 3 categories /sectors– rank them (the most important first ) and why? 2. Come up with another category which you think no other group will come up with and why you think they could be important? Think of the above in terms of registration, which registration should they be applying for : IEng, CEng, EngTech, Fellow, Affiliate, Associate.
Membership Recruitment Gender HR Technicians For EngTech Technicians For EngTech Apprentices CEng School teachers EngTech IEng Fellow Affiliates Associates FE College Academics Non Engineers By Industry Undergraduates Large organisations
Attendees responses? Where should the IMechE be recruiting? 1.Come up with 3 categories /sectors (all groups responses) Group Training associations, training providers – who offer companies training. Affiliates to progress to Associates – employ someone from the IMechE directly responsible to convert Affiliates to Associates. Need more engagement for Affiliates. Target companies who don’t have registered Engineers e.g offer an event. School children – pre GSCE. FE Colleges. SME’s who do not have resources to promote registration. Associates – Difficult to convert them from Affiliates. Start with Affiliates, then Associates, EngTech up to Fellow. All levels will want different benefits.
Attendees responses? 2. Come up with another category which you think no other group will come up with and why you think they could be important? Female Engineers – encourage from an early age. School pupils Inspirational figures heads to promote Engineering. Someone in the media.
Group Work: What tools would you suggest to recruit? 1. Come up with 3 ways– rank them in order of importance and why? For example: Get Registered Event 2. Come up with another way again which you think no other group will come up with and why you think they could be important?
Tools to recruit Get Registered presentations Presidential visits Use BDMs team : Guidance for registration Attend Career fairs Work with other parties eg. PEIs, Apprentice organisations Membership surgeries Organise events to raise the profile of the IMechE Events using local members as case studies and giving advice Social Networking
Attendees responses? What tools would you suggest to recruit? 1.Come up with 3 ways– rank them in order of importance and why? For example: Get Registered Event Combine events – AGM, new members evening a lecture. Regional Prize – not just for students. A company could put forward names. Careers, Beers (and pizza) for final year students to meet Young Members to help them network to find a job. For school pupils continue doing primary engineers, get school pupils to understand what is engineering. 2. Come up with another way again which you think no other group will come up with and why you think they could be important? The Engineer – the movie! Role Models