It’s Your Future. How Far Will You Take It?
Agenda About Deloitte Get Ready – understand the process, companies, etc. Get Set – resume, dress, etc. Go! – interviewing Q&A with Panel
About Deloitte What We Do –Deloitte offers services in a range of: Audit, Advisory Tax Consulting –This means more choices for your career and more places to take it
About Deloitte Facts and Figures: –One of the world’s largest and most highly regarded professional service organizations –Approximately 70,000 people in 100+ offices across the United States –Clients include the largest publicly held and privately owned companies and governmental units in the world –Serve organizations in all major segments of the economy including: Consumer and industrial products Energy and resources Financial services Public sector Technology, media and telecommunications Life sciences and healthcare
Our Tennessee Professional Practice –Offices in both Nashville and Memphis –Over 30 Partners and Directors –Nearly 250 professionals and administrative employees –The largest professional services practice in Tennessee –A leader in the community, charitable involvement, and investment –Diverse client base and experience due to marquee clients and growth clients Our Hermitage Practice –Nearly 1200 employees work on this campus and support the Deloitte US Firm –This practice supports the US Firms’ operations including financial accounting and reporting, human resources and benefits, internal audit, information technology and call center operations –A service center is located in Hermitage that performs electronic discovery and forensic services for clients –Consistently ranked one of the best places to work in Nashville and Middle Tennessee –A leader in community and charitable involvement
7 Tennessee Clients
Ready, Set, Go!
9 Get Ready It’s not just about the interview—what you do before and after can also make or break a job opportunity Conduct a personal and professional inventory –Understand your strengths and weaknesses –Determine what kind of job you are looking for –Consider why you chose accounting as a major Identify available contact resources –Professors, friends, upper-class students Establish a network –Get involved on campus Student organizations and clubs Part time jobs Community service Internships Athletics Get familiar with the companies that are coming to campus –Public vs. Private, industry, company size, company positions for interviews
10 Get Set Fine Tune Your Resume –Resumes get you invited to an interview, they do not get you the job Highlight academic performance, work experience and activities Demonstrate leadership potential –Include volunteer activities Make sure you have accurate address, phone numbers and –Include cell phone if that is primary phone number Keep it to one page in length Invest in Your Wardrobe –Suits should always be worn for interviews Unless indicated otherwise by recruiter –Shoes should be polished and professional The best resumes are clean, clear, and concise! When in doubt, ask someone if it is appropriate to wear to work!
11 Get Set Communications –Make sure voic messages are appropriate –Keep correspondence clear and concise –Review all correspondence - twice Prepare for Recruiting Events –Rehearse a resume opening conversation - your resume in 30 seconds –Print clean copies of your resume to submit to recruiters –Prepare to discuss your interests - highlight work experience, internships, activities –Make sure your GPA is on your resume if it is 3.0 or above –Be conscious of time You have a lot of employers to visit, and they have a lot of students to meet –Be aware of your personal space - have mints in your pocket –Wear name tags if they are available
12 Go! Interviewing Tips –Act natural and be yourself –Be honest –Arrive on time—or 10 minutes early –Speak calmly and slowly –Wait for questions to be asked before answering –Do not be afraid to ask questions –Silence is OK – collect thoughts before speaking –Do not fold or cross arms –Maintain eye contact Essentially, be awake, alert, and alive!
13 Go! Discussion Questions –The interviewer will typically ask what questions you have Be sure you have some questions prepared –Here are some questions and requests we commonly hear : Why did you choose Deloitte? What is a typical day for an intern or entry-level hire? How will my responsibilities increase as I advance with the firm? Do you offer a mentoring or coaching program? What kind of training do you offer? What do you think distinguishes Deloitte from other companies? What are some of the key aspects of Deloitte’s culture and values?
14 Brass Tacks What is Deloitte (like many other companies) looking for? –Ability to work in a team –Demonstrated tolerance of ambiguity –Effective problem solving skills –Communication skills Written and spoken –Ability to lead others What should you be looking for? 1.Getting a job 2.Getting the right job for you –Key considerations: Content and challenge of the job Company personality and culture Opportunities to provide creative input Chance to work closely with people of a similar background Promotion of continuous learning Company diversity