2010 Pre-AP Research Project Analyzing Awesome Authors
What are we doing? You will be conducting an in-depth research project on an author of your choosing. You will study the author’s influences, motivations, and experiences. Your will produce two things: 1. a written project 2. a an oral presentation
Written Project Your project will consist of a written project as well as an oral presentation. You will create one of the following written products: 1. A formal research paper (3-5 pages) 2. A rewritten children’s story-retold in the style of your author (10 pages) 3. A chapter of a biography on the author (3-5 pages)
Oral Presentation You will complete one of the following: Book TalkInterview Each student will assume the persona of the author studied. In the book talk you should: Refer to previously written works Include reasons why the work was written Describe particular challenges the author faced while writing the book Read a selection from the book and tell why it was important Answer questions from the audience Must be audio taped or videotaped Each student will assume the persona of the author in a mock radio or television interview. The interviewer questions the author as though it were a contemporary talk show. The student being interviewed will provide the interviewer with the questions to be asked. The interview must be audio taped or videotaped. Following the show or as part of it, the audience should ask questions of the author.
More on Oral Presentations… Whichever format you choose, presentations should not be too formal or scripted. (Don’t read from note cards) You should talk to your classmates as though you ARE that author.
Final Project: This is what you will turn in: 1. A Cover Sheet 2. A rough draft of the written project 3. The written project (research paper, children’s story, or biography chapter) including a works cited page with at least 10 references. 4. A script/rough draft of oral presentation (book talk or interview) 5. A videotape of audiotape of book talk or interview 6. Works Cited Page
Important Dates December1 -Project due date August 30 th (Monday)-Choose authors September 3, 24-Progress Checks October 1, 29-Progress Checks November 5, 12 th, 19 th, 30 th -Progress Checks
For Monday.. Choose 5 authors from the list that you would be interested in researching. Fill out the Student Profile and Participation Agreement and have your parents sign it. Return it to me by Monday. Monday, in class, we will choose authors and review project expectations. For more information on the project visit: