Late Middle Ages Crisis and Recovery, 1300–1500 CIV Class 30 April 6, 2015
They don’t call it the Dark Ages for nothing Ordeal by Plague, Famine, and War – The Black Death – Failure of agricultural harvests – Struggles for control of southern Italy, northern Italy – The Hundred Years’ War Competition between France and England – Ottoman Turks – Degradation of the Church The separation of philosophy and theology and the hastening of secularization
Progress of the Black Death Across Europe in the Fourteenth Century
Yet, Running Headlong toward the Renaissance Spinning Wheel, improved cloth/clothing, and work process (“putting-out” system). – Silk and other fine cloth Paper making – A variety of printing innovations, culminating in The printing press (probably THE most important technological innovation, for the West, until electricity).
Running Headlong toward the Renaissance Iron making (and forming) – Wrought iron uses smelted ore … has to be hammered, usually at high temps, to form the carbonized result (fairly strong). – At higher temps (short of a blast furnace) iron can be melted and cast… great for shaping, but the result is brittle. – In the late middle ages, smiths learned to pump air into layers of charcoal, limestone/crushed shells, and iron ore to make hotter fires (blast furnaces and machine driven “Forge hammers” to work every sort of iron.
Running Headlong toward the Renaissance Science: Headed toward Descartes – Working out faith & reason – Working toward developing the scientific method Robert Grosseteste Roger Bacon Religion/Theology and Philosophy: Headed toward the Reformation – The Via Antiqua versus the Via Moderna – Duns Scotus and William of Ockham – “Since having ONE is good, have THREE POPES (and the church organizations that go with them) is better”
Running Headlong toward the Renaissance Literature: esp. Chaucer (and others) – First 18 Lines of the “General Prologue,” Canterbury Tales – X2oDRWnqwo X2oDRWnqwo – 1:20- 4:33 – 3:23-4:22 (you think THIS class is hard: the students taking this course have to MEMORIZE and recite this passage!)
Machaut: Notre Dame Mass Kyrie: 6:13-13:14 – wo&list=RD11A4wqv8_wo#t=10 wo&list=RD11A4wqv8_wo#t=10 Running Headlong toward the Renaissance
Music: Chromatic scale, a 13 th century invention
Running Headlong toward the Renaissance Art and Architecture – Late Gothic Architecture – Late Gothic Sculpture
Running Headlong toward the Renaissance Art and Architecture (continued) – Late Gothic Painting and the Rise of New Trends Illuminated Manuscripts The Print New Trends in Italy: Giotto Flemish Painting: Jan Van Eyck and Hans Memling ALMOST PERSPECTIVISM – The rise of wealthy laymen as patrons of the arts