Job Interview
How to prepare You first need to research the company! Get all the information about the company that is possible. Study questions that might be asked about the company. Practice all questions Be at least 15 minutes early
What to bring? Two blue or black pens Resume Note cards
What to wear? Dress clothes Nothing with holes in the pants, no cut offs on the sleeves, and nothing that shows to much!
How to conduct yourself Be polite Show your manners Sit up straight Look them in the eyes Act very interested and grateful Answer honestly
Helpful Hints Relax and answer each question concisely. Use proper English not slang. Be cooperative and enthusiastic Don’t get too nervous
Experience My personal experience in a job interview was exhausting, I was beyond nervous. In my interview I didn’t only represent myself but my family.
Follow up! Follow up your job interview with a letter or a phone call. This shows your interest in the job and may help them to close the decision on who gets the job, especially in a competitive field.