1. Handouts: * None 2. Homework: * Read AR book minutes daily & record progress * Have a blessed Easter and a super spring vacation! 3. Assignments Due: * None
Outcomes: 1. Identify 8 forms of non-verbal communication and explain what each one means. 2. Recall the taped interview we watched and summarize the events described by the interviewee, Rosa Parks. 3. Identify good interviewing skills used in the Rosa Parks interview. 4. Summarize the characteristics of all good interviewers. 5. Demonstrate your ability to interview a “public figure.”
Without looking at the chart you created, can you remember and describe some of the forms of non-verbal communication that you discovered?
Monday we viewed an interview, and you were asked to do two things: 1) Try to identify what made that journalist a good interviewer. 2) Look for something interesting that you never knew until you watched that video. Keep those questions in mind as we continue....
What did you learn from that interview that you never knew before about the events described? What did you learn about interviewing? Take out a sheet of paper, and let’s strategically list the “characteristics of all good interviewers.” All good interviewers do what things? 1. Do their homework 2. Prepare questions ahead of time 3. Listen intently 4. Ask follow-up questions based on what speaker says 5. Try to imagine what the speaker is describing 6. Probe to find out how the person felt, what they were thinking 7. Rarely ask yes & no questions 8. Are not afraid to challenge or probe what the speaker says 9. Know that body language communicates a genuine interest in a person Keep this list handy. It will help you with something we will in the coming weeks.
As a former magazine editor, interviewing was one of the skills I used most often. All of the articles I wrote for publication were based on interviews I did. When we do our online magazine, some of you may want to conduct interviews then write them up as articles. Let’s look at types of articles you could do after interviewing someone.... * Q & A article * As told to article * Narrative article
Turn your paper over so you can write on the back. If you were interviewing me, what questions would you ask? Write them down now, in a bulleted listing. Let’s handle this the way the President does a press conference. He calls on the people who have questions for him (which is generally everyone in the room). But he doesn’t get to all of them: He works within the allotted time frame. You will get either one question, one two-part question, or a question that has a “follow-up question” because of the answer I give you. Let’s begin!