On-Demand Reading and Writing Assessment Collaborative Scoring Day 6 th Grade
4 Advanced Proficient The writing: Clearly addresses all parts of the writing task Demonstrates a clear purpose and maintains a consistent point of view and focus Develops the topic in well-organized paragraphs with specific, well-chosen details using precise and varied vocabulary Includes the effective use of transitions Includes an engaging lead, a satisfying conclusion, and employs a variety of sentence structures to enhance the writingengaging leadsatisfying conclusion Provides in-depth, relevant and accurate information Uses an authoritative voice which conveys expertise and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the task Hits all parts of the prompt- format, audience, purpose Stays on purpose; doesn’t go off topic Doesn’t shift from 1 st person to 3rd Fully developed; multiple paragraphs Sophisticated purposeful evidence and language Seamlessly pull paper together with genre-specific transitions Specific lead purposely chosen for prompt Conclusion goes beyond the obvious tying up the importance for the reader Chooses specific sentence structures for emphasis Writer is the expert with powerful images that show the reader that the writer is knowledgeable Evidence goes beyond the obvious, is important to the reader and is correct % “Hamburger with the Works”
3 Proficient The writing: Addresses all parts of the writing task Demonstrates a general understanding of purpose and a mostly consistent point of view and focus Develops the topic in logical paragraphs with some supporting details using appropriate vocabulary Includes the effective use of some transitions Includes an appropriate lead and conclusion, and uses more than one sentence typeappropriate lead conclusion Provides adequate, relevant and accurate information Uses a knowledgeable voice that demonstrates understanding of the task 75-87% “Plain Hamburger” What do you see that is different between a 4 and a 3 score? The writing is clear and focused. Does the job;shows evidence of structure and support Predictable; language and word choice are solid, but are missing style Adequate; Gives the reader enough support, but doesn’t go beyond. Solid piece that could be shown to parents as meeting proficiency expectations
2 Partially Proficient The writing: Addresses only parts of the writing task Demonstrates little understanding of purpose, point-of-view and focus Attempts to write paragraphs, but with few supporting details using limited vocabulary. Or may be a list May include ineffective or awkward transitions that do not unify important ideas Lead and conclusion may be brief or confusing, and uses simple sentencesLeadconclusion Provides limited information; may contain inaccuracies and irrelevant information Uses a voice which may show some knowledge and understanding of the task. Or reader may be unsure of voice 65-74% “Meat Only” On its way; may have structure, but is lacking enough or adequate support May contain elements that are adequate, although they may be overly broad or simplistic.
1 Non-Proficient The writing: Addresses only one part of the writing task Demonstrates no understanding of purpose, and lacks point of view and focus Has little paragraph structure with few/no details using simple words No evidence of lead and conclusion, and sentence structure is simple or confusing Provides little to no information and lacks thesis Lacks voice and reveals little/no understanding of the task 64 % and below Main ideas and purpose are somewhat unclear or development is attempted but minimal
4 Advanced Proficient The response has a clear and effective organizational structure creating unity and completeness: use of a variety of transitional strategies logical progression of ideas from beginning to end effective introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose strong connections among ideas, with some syntactic variety Organization
3 Proficient The response has an evident organizational structure and a sense of completeness, though there may be minor flaws and some ideas may be loosely connected: adequate use of transitional strategies with some variety adequate progression of ideas from beginning to end adequate introduction and conclusion adequate, if slightly inconsistent, connection among ideas Organization
2 Partially Proficient The response has an inconsistent organizational structure, and flaws are evident: inconsistent use of transitional strategies with little variety uneven progression of ideas from beginning to end conclusion and introduction, if present, are weak weak connection among ideas Organization
1 Non-Proficient The response has little or no discernible organizational structure: few or no transitional strategies are evident frequent extraneous ideas may intrude Organization
4 Advanced Proficient The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence for the controlling idea or main idea that includes the effective use of sources, facts, and details. The response achieves substantial depth that is specific and relevant: use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques. variety Elaboration
3 Proficient The response provides adequate support/evidence for the controlling idea or main idea that includes the use of sources, facts, and details: some evidence from sources is integrated, though citations may be general or imprecise adequate use of some elaborative techniques Elaboration
2 Partially Proficient The response provides uneven, cursory support/evidence for the controlling idea or main idea that includes partial or uneven use of sources, facts, and details: evidence from sources is weakly integrated, and citations, if present, are uneven weak or uneven use of elaborative techniques Elaboration
1 Non-Proficient The response provides minimal support/evidence for the controlling idea or main idea that includes little or no use of sources, facts, and details: use of evidence from the source material is minimal, absent, in error, or irrelevant Elaboration
Writing Standard W.6.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. Introduce a topic, organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. Use appropriate transitions to clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. Establish and maintain a formal style. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the information or explanation presented. W.6.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. W.6.9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
College and Career Readiness Standard 4: Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.
College and Career Readiness Standard 5: Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole. RL.6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
College and Career Readiness Standard 6: Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.. RL.6.6: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Literary Device Lead Road Map for the Essay Sentences Transition seamlessly Short Summary Quote Clearly addresses all parts of the writing task Demonstrates a clear purpose and maintains a consistent point of view and focus Develops the topic in well-organized paragraphs with specific, well-chosen details Sentences seamlessly flow together without the use of predictable transitions Includes an engaging lead, a satisfying conclusion Provides relevant and accurate information Uses and authoritative voice with conveys expertise and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the task RHETORICAL SCORE: 4 Quote/Topic Sentence Ends with a quote Explain Example Quote Explain Concluding Sentence Topic Sentence Example Quote Explain Quote Explain Echo the Introduction Revisit the thesis and purpose
PAPER #1 Literary Device Lead Road Map for the Essay Sentences Transition seamlessly Short Summary Quote The response has a clear and effective organizational structure creating unity and completeness Sentences transition seamlessly Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end Effective introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose Strong connections among ideas ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE SCORE: 4 Quote/Topic Sentence Ends with a quote Explain Example Quote Explain Concluding Sentence Topic Sentence Example Quote Explain Quote Explain Echo the Introduction Revisit the thesis and purpose
PAPER #1 Road Map for the Essay Quote The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence Use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete Effective use of quotes, explanations, and examples ELABORATION SCORE: 4 Explain Example Quote Explain Topic Sentence Example Quote Explain Quote Explain
On-Demand Reading & Writing Assessment Commentary: Informative/Explanatory Eleven Grade 6 Paper No. 1 Clearly addresses all parts of the writing task Demonstrates a clear purpose and maintains a consistent point of view and focus Develops the topic in well-organized paragraphs with specific, well-chosen details Sentences seamlessly flow together without the using of predictable transitions Includes an engaging lead, a satisfying conclusion Provides relevant and accurate information Uses and authoritative voice with conveys expertise and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the task The response has a clear and effective organizational structure creating unity and completeness Sentences transition seamlessly Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end Effective introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose Strong connections among ideas The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence Use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, and concrete Effective use of quotes, explanations, and examples Rhetorical Score 4 Organization/Structure Score 4 Elaboration Score 4
RHETORICAL SCORE: 3 Statement Lead Road Map Text evidence Topic Sentence Text evidence Explain Topic Sentence Explain Text Evidence Explain Text evidence Concluding Sentence Text evidence Explain Text evidence Explain Revisits important points of the essay TAG Addresses all parts of the writing task-formulaic Demonstrates a general understanding of purpose Intro clearly states purpose, but is weak in its delivery-much repetition and superficial Well organized paragraphs with reason, evidence and concluding sentence Includes the effective use of some transitions Provides adequate, relevant and accurate information Uses a knowledgeable voice that demonstrates understanding of the task Explain Concluding statement referencing the topic of the essay Transitions used Concluding Sentence
ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE SCORE: 3.5 Statement Lead Road Map Text evidence Topic Sentence Text evidence Explain Topic Sentence Explain Text Evidence Explain Text evidence Concluding Sentence Text evidence Explain Text evidence Explain Revisits important points of the essay TAG The response has a clear and effective organizational structure Adequate use of transitional strategies with some variety Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end Adequate introduction and conclusion Explain Concluding statement referencing the topic of the essay Transitions used Concluding Sentence Topic Sentence
ELABORATION SCORE: 3 Text evidence Topic Sentence Text evidence Explain Topic Sentence Explain Text Evidence Explain Text evidence Explain Text evidence Explain The evidence addresses all three points of the task (the narrator’s attitude toward turning eleven, the aging process, and how Cisneros uses literary devices, word choice to convey her message) Adequate use of some elaborative techniques (text evidence & explanation of evidence) The response provides adequate support/evidence for the topic The elaboration on the evidence is not expanded upon enough Explain
On-Demand Reading & Writing Assessment Commentary: Informative/Explanatory Eleven Grade 6 Paper No. 2 Addresses all parts of the writing task- formulaic Demonstrates a general understanding of purpose Intro clearly states purpose, but is weak in its delivery-much repetition and superficial Well organized paragraphs with reason, evidence and concluding sentence Includes the effective use of some transitions Provides adequate, relevant and accurate information Uses a knowledgeable voice that demonstrates understanding of the task The response has a clear and effective organizational structure Adequate use of transitional strategies with some variety Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end Adequate introduction and conclusion The evidence addresses all three points of the task (the narrator’s attitude toward turning eleven, the aging process, and how Cisneros uses literary devices, word choice to convey her message) Adequate use of some elaborative techniques (text evidence & explanation of evidence) The response provides adequate support/evidence for the topic The text evidence is not expanded upon enough Rhetorical Score 3 Organization/Structure Score 3.5 Elaboration Score 3
No TAG with weak thesis (Does it support the topic?-narrator’s attitude toward turning eleven and the aging process) Text evidence in the introduction No Road map for the essay RHETORICAL SCORE: Does this topic sentence support the topic? 1.5 Addresses only parts of the writing task Demonstrates little understanding of purpose and focus Provides little to no information and has a weak thesis Reveals little understanding of the task Introduction and conclusion needs work No lead or TAG Limited transition use Text Evidence (repeated from intro) Example (needs a clarification statement) Example Text Evidence (repeated from intro & body) Clarification Statement Example (repeated from body 1) Clarification Statement or Repetitive Example Revisits the thesis but adds new information (confused) Revisits important points of the essay Concluding statement copied from prompt Clarification Statement
No TAG with weak thesis (Does it support the topic?-narrator’s attitude toward turning eleven and the aging process) Text evidence in the introduction No Road map for the essay ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURESCORE: Does this topic sentence support the topic? 2 Limited transition use Text Evidence (repeated from intro) Example (needs a clarification statement) Text Evidence (repeated from intro & body) Example (repeated from body 1) Clarification Statement or Repetitive Example Revisits the thesis but adds new information (confused) Revisits important points of the essay Concluding statement copied from prompt Only one transitional strategy evident Uneven progression of ideas from beginning to end Conclusion and introduction are weak Repetitive ideas
(Does the evidence support the topic?- narrator’s attitude toward turning eleven and the aging process) Text evidence in the introduction ELABORATION SCORE: Does this topic sentence support the topic? 1 The response provides minimal support/evidence Repetitive Literary devices and sentence structure could have been address Text Evidence (repeated from intro) Example (needs a clarification statement) Example Text Evidence (repeated from intro & body) Clarification Statement Example (repeated from body 1) Clarification Statement or Repetitive Example Clarification Statement
On-Demand Reading & Writing Assessment Commentary: Informative/Explanatory Eleven Grade 6 Paper No. 3 Addresses only parts of the writing task Demonstrates little understanding of purpose and focus Provides little to no information and has a weak thesis Reveals little understanding of the task Introduction and conclusion needs work No lead or TAG Only one transitional strategy evident Uneven progression of ideas from beginning to end Conclusion and introduction are weak Repetitive ideas The response provides minimal support/evidence Repetitive Literary devices and sentence structure could have been address Rhetorical Score 1.5 Organization/Structure Score 2 Elaboration Score 1
RHETORICAL SCORE:2 Demonstrates a general understanding of purpose Attempts to write paragraphs, but with few supporting details (reads like a list of text evidence) Includes the use of transition words Introduction and conclusion needs work (inaccurate information) Provides limited information; contains inaccuracies Uses a voice that shows some knowledge and understanding of the task The text evidence is not expanded upon Transitions Revisited Reason/Ideas Text Evidence Inaccurate Concluding Sentence Topic sentences Text Evidence Road map of big ideas Text Evidence Clarification Statement Inaccurate Statement Lead Text Evidence The text evidence is not expanded upon
ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE SCORE:3 The response has an evident organizational structure Adequate use of transitional strategies Adequate progression of ideas from beginning to end Introduction and conclusion are weak Adequate connection among ideas The text evidence is not expanded upon Transitions Revisited Reason/Ideas Text Evidence Inaccurate Concluding Sentence Topic sentences Text Evidence Road map of big ideas Text Evidence Clarification Statement Inaccurate Statement Lead Text Evidence The text evidence is not expanded upon
ELABORATION SCORE:2 The response provides cursory (not detailed) support Evidence from source is weakly integrated (no explanation of evidence The text evidence is not expanded upon Text Evidence Topic sentences Text Evidence Clarification Statement Text Evidence The text evidence is not expanded upon
On-Demand Reading & Writing Assessment Commentary: Informative/Explanatory Eleven Grade 6 Paper No. 4 Demonstrates a general understanding of purpose Attempts to write paragraphs, but with few supporting details (reads like a list of text evidence) Includes the use of transition words Introduction and conclusion needs work (inaccurate information) Provides limited information; contains inaccuracies Uses a voice that shows some knowledge and understanding of the task The response has an evident organizational structure Adequate use of transitional strategies Adequate progression of ideas from beginning to end Introduction and conclusion are weak Adequate connection among ideas The response provides cursory (not detailed) support Evidence from source is weakly integrated (no explanation of evidence Rhetorical Score 2 Organization/Structure Score 3 Elaboration Score 2
Engaging Lead
Satisfying Conclusion
Appropriate Lead
Appropriate Conclusion
Inadequate Lead
Inadequate Conclusion
Elaboration Ways to Support Facts & Statistics Expert opinion Analogies Ways to Support Explain: Tell what you mean Exemplify: Give an example Describe: (with concrete nouns, specific adj, strong verbs) Describe: (use figurative language) Quotes Anecdotes Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Clarification Statements Ways to Support Personal Experiences Definition Others’ experiences