MEASUREMENT HANDLER IMPLEMENTATION & INTEGRATION WITH IMF Measurement Handler: Debjyoti Majumder, Deniz Gurkan University of Houston ERM: Michael Wang, Caroline Lai, Keren Bergman Columbia University IMF Extension to integration with ORCA: Ilia Baldine RENCI - BEN 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
FUNCTIONALITY Measurement handler (MH) - server program Integrated Measurement Framework (IMF) – client program Respond to requests over XML-RPC protocol: A.connectToDevice – logs into Polatis/Infinera B.retrieveMeasurement – fetch measurement C.disconnectFromDevice – logs out Support multiple logins and simultaneous retrieval of measurements 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
MEASUREMENTS Infinera: A.PREFEC-BER B.POSTFEC-BER C.PORTPOWER (received power) Polatis A.PORTPOWER 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
SOFTWARE OVERVIEW MH Server (I) Supporting Modules (II) TL1 Toolkit (III) Network Element 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (I) SERVER PROGRAM A.Creates a daemon process that continuously polls a port (currently 8001) for XML-RPC requests. B.Calls supporting perl modules to communicate with the network element. 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (II) SUPPORTING PERL MODULES Extraction of specific measurements from the raw response messages from the network element: TL1 interface with the network element is done using CPAN Perl module: 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (III) TL1 Toolkit [SARA 1] Provides general access and parsing functions for TL1 interface. Thread-safe multi-user access: A.Unique connection identifier for each login (tl1 object) B.Thread-safe response fetch for concurrent requests C.Separate termination of response retrieval for each logout 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
LOGIN Call method connectToDevice Parameters: A.deviceIP= B.port= C.username= D.password= E.device=Infinera/Polatis (case-insensitive) Using these parameters, a new tl1 connection is created with the network element and a unique connection identifier is returned to the IMF. 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
MEASUREMENTS Call method retrieveMeasurement Parameters: A.connectionObject=ID(Id returned by the connectToDevice method) B.chassis= DLMslot= opticalChannel= (for Infinera) port= (for Polatis) C.measureType=prefec-ber/postfec-ber/portpower(for Infinera) portPower(for Polatis) 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
LOGOUT Call method disconnectFromDevice Parameters: A.connectionObject=ID (Id returned by the connectToDevice method) B.deviceIP= C.port= D.username= E.password= F.device=Infinera/Polatis 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
POINTS TO NOTE Timeout: 5 minutes idle time No response from network element: Server program waits for 200 seconds ( 3min 20 sec) before canceling the request. For any kind of error, hash value is returned with key ‘ERROR’ and value ‘error-message’. 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
DEPENDENCIES CPAN perl modules to be installed: A.threads B.threads::shared C.Thread::Queue::Any D.Net::Telnet E.Date::Manip F.CGI::Cookie G.SOAP::Lite H.Thread::Semaphore 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
EXECUTION Place the following files in the same folder: execute:./ or perl 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
EXECUTION (II) Prints the login, logout, and error details with time-stamps. Example: Contact to XMLRPC server at :11:48: ID1001-Logged into dtn-1.duke.ben Infinera :11:48: ID1002-Logged into os.duke.ben Polatis :29:53: ID1001-Logged out from dtn-1.duke.ben Infinera :29:53: ID1002-Logged out from os.duke.ben Polatis. A demo was presented during the demo session. 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
Next Steps Investigate further measurements from Infinera DTN to be made available to users Connection handling without a connection id – more elegant methods Documentation of measurement handler software – due May 2010 Measurement handler software options for other network elements in GENI substrates – due September /16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN
QUESTIONS 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. Majumder, LEARN