Warm-Up Vocabulary! Imperialism- the policy of extending the rule or authority of a nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies El imperialismo: la política de extensión de la regla o la autoridad de una nación en el extranjero, o de la adquisición y tenencia de colonias
Cornell notes Name of Country Nombre del País EX: Cuba Answer to questions (use complete sentences) Responda a las preguntas (use oraciones completas) 1) asjfoiwuanfl;skjfoiwui
Alaska The US got Alaska by buying it from Russia. The US thought Alaska would have lots of natural resources. After finding resources in Alaska, Americans thought they should control other countries too.
Hawaii-1989 Americans made money off of Hawaii by having sugar and pineapple plantations. The US took over the Hawaiian gov. because they thought the Queen would kick them out and they would lose their land. The US treated Hawaii very poorly and were just trying to make money.
Cuba-1895 US wanted to annex Cuba because of sugar plantations. When Cuba wanted independence, Spain forced Cubans to live in camps without beds, medicine, & little food. Yellow Journalism exaggerated the story and made US want war. US sent battleship just in case.
Spain The US declared war on Spain because they sunk the Maine, killing US soldiers. The Spanish surrendered because the US sank all their ships and captures San Juan Hill. The war benefited the US because they go Puerto Rico in the treaty.
Philippines The US got involved in the Philippines because it was a base for Spain during the war. The US beat Spain because their ships were better. The Filipinos felt betrayed because they thought the US would help them gain independence, instead the US bought them and annexed them.
Panama-1903 The US wanted to build the Panama Canal to connect the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans for trade. The US made sure they got the land by sending a gunboat to help Panama get independence. Building the canal was dangerous because the land was filled with mosquitoes carrying malaria.
What is the cartoon saying about the US?? Write down symbols, important people, important words.
Sorting your thoughts Reasons why US WAS imperialist Razones por las cuales Estados Unidos fue imperialista Reasons why US was NOT imperialist Razones por las que Estados Unidos no era imperialista
Was the US an imperialistic country? Why or Why not? Use your notes as EVIDENCE to support your claim. Be specific in your examples.