CCT 300 Spring 2006 Class 9: Future Directions: Web 2.0
Administrivia Wiki - formally concludes 23/6 at midnight (but do things earlier if at all possible) CCIT exhibition project
Web 2.0 What does this even mean? Examples of Web 2.0 technologies
Theoretical Positioning Enabling of public participation and community building “New media” powers of data driven structures and efficiency to help drive age-old interests
Tetrad Analysis Enhancement (positive change, amplification) Retrieval (recovery of past forces) Reversal (new or resurgent challenges jeopardizing new media) Obsolescence (erosion of older values/forces)
Examples: Trippi Dean for America campaign (2004) director Leveraged Internet to get 600,000 supporters and break fundraising records on small-scale donations Why did it fail?
Example: WOM Using Internet to globalize targeting of early adopters and leveraging their networks Viral, buzz and word of mouth - leverage dialogue, story-telling and ego attachment to sharing knowledge
Example: Craigslist (mostly) free space want ads “don’t be evil” approach, similar to Google - community of trust, simple functional interface, paid ads in major markets (mostly for quality control, and at user’s request)
Example: ChangeThis Distributor of thought-provoking “manifestos”, mostly around business/technology issues Potential authors propose topics, community comments and votes for particular manifestos to be made Author provides material, ChangeThis provides design work to make compelling visual presentation
Next Class Even more project (next Tues), test (next Thurs) and Wiki (next Fri) time A concluding bit on information and creativity - why the latter really counts