October 1, 2007 Take a “For Good Measure” Activity sheet from the front table. Read the Activity Answer: Why is it important for scientists to have a standard system of measurement?
Oct. 2 nd, 2007 o Copy & do what’s in BLUE o Get out your For Good Measure Lab. o How do you get the volume of a non liquid object? What are the units? HW: Articles due FRIDAY!!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Why did the snicker bar sink and the 3 musketeer float? Explain using science words!! Oct. 3 rd, 2007 HW: Articles due FRIDAY!! Quiz Friday-STUDY!! Notebook check Tues!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE How would you measure the length of something? Mass? Convert following 12.5 cm=____mm Oct. 4 th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Articles due tomorrow!! Quiz tomorrow-STUDY YOUR NOTES!! Notebook check Tues!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Staple your articles to your note cards and pass them to the center of your table (Make sure your NAME & PERIOD is on the card!!) Put everything away & get QUIET for the QUIZ Oct. 5th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Notebook check Tues! Get everything together & complete for this!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE If you were not here Friday-see me NOW!! Get out your Metric step conversion sheet from Friday If you are going from kilo- to deci- how many places do you move the decimal point & in what direction? Oct. 9th, 2007 DO NOW HW: None-Yay!!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE What is earth science? What topics do you expect to learn when studying earth science? When you complete the do now, begin reading chapter 1 of the text silently!! Oct. 10th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Earth Science Crossword puzzle
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Pass your metric step WS to center of your table (from Tuesday) Get out your blue vocab sheet & crossword puzzle: FINISH THESE NOW Oct. 11th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Begin reading Articles!! (due next Fri.)
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Take out your crossword Complete the Research portion of your Model of the Earth’s Interior Lab using your book (Ch.2) & the hypothesis (you do not need to use the If…then…b/c format) Oct. 12th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Model of Earth’s interior Lab Qs (including the conclusion!)
Copy & do what’s in BLUE 1. Use a ruler or meter stick (from back table) to measure the following items in cm!! : (THIS IS INDIVIDUAL!) –Length of book, height of your desk, width of your desk 2. Convert these to mm & m Oct. 16th, 2007 DO NOW HW: If the M&M lab questions are not done- DO THEM TONIGHT!! Quiz Friday on Metrics, density, Vocab from Ch.1; Article due Friday!!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Pass your Model of the interior of the Earth Lab to the center of your table Convert the following & tell what they each measure: 6000mL=______L 0.34m=_______cm 0.99kg=_______g Oct. 17th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Density WS; Quiz Friday on Metrics, density, Vocab from Ch.1; Article due Friday!!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Get out your Density WS from last night Oct. 18th, 2007 DO NOW HW: STUDY!!!! Quiz TOMORROW &Article due TOMORROW!! Which is most dense? Which is least dense? What did you base this on? Use terms from class!
Which is most dense? Why
DO NOT COPY!! NO TALKING WHILE QUIZZES R OUT!! When you finish the quiz-Turn it over on your desk, get out your article QUIETLY & place it in the center of your table Get out your Gummy bear Lab-QUIETLY Get your table’s gummy bears & Do the Day 2 measurements QUIETLY Oct. 19th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Finish Gummy Bear lab Questions
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Get out your gummy bear Density Lab Compare the masses, volumes, densities of day 1 & 2. What do you think contributed to these differences? Oct. 22 nd, 2007 DO NOW HW: Journey to center of Earth Questions- MUST GO TO WEBSITE FOR ARTICLE!! Due on Wednesday, Oct.24 th
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Describe the core of the Earth. (Temp., state of matter, what it’s made of, etc.) Oct. 23rd, 2007 DO NOW HW: Journey to center of Earth Questions- MUST GO TO WEBSITE FOR ARTICLE!! Due on TOMMORROW
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Get out your Journey to center of earth Questions Do the Research & Hypothesis portion of the lab (4 research use Notes or book) Oct. 24 th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Finish GLUEP Lab Questions & Conclusion
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Put late work in Late bin Get out your Gluep Lab Describe the 5 tests from the lab. What are each of these test suppose to prove? Oct. 25 th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Finish GLUEP Lab Conclusion; Article Analysis due NEXT Friday!!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Do the “Keeping it clean at Mars” reading exercise. Oct. 26 th, 2007 DO NOW HW: TEST on Interior of Earth-Thursday, Nov. 1 st ; NC & Article Analysis due NEXT Friday!!
Copy the questions in your do now section. Then put them away. Where is “Moho” supposed to be? Where is it missing? What does the term “drip” refer to in the article? Why do scientists want to study this? What does it help to explain? How do scientists gather so much data about Moho? So where did Moho go? Oct. 29 th, 2007 DO NOW HW: Finish Properties of Earth’s Interior Table; TEST on Interior of Earth-Thursday; Notebook Check & Article Analysis due Friday!!
Copy & do what’s in BLUE Get out Properties of Earth’s Interior Table & notes Read the Earthominoes directions & Begin!! Oct. 30 th, 2007 DO NOW HW: TEST on Interior of Earth-Thursday— STUDY!!; Notebook Check & Article Analysis due Friday!!