2006 HCHY Patterns: Differences and Similarities in Your System Presented by Royce Holladay Kristin Johnstad Nancy Tellett-Royce
2006 HCHY Setting the Stage Why HSD? Introductions –Royce –Nancy –Kristin Cell Phones
2006 HCHY Why are we here? See your asset-building efforts from a complex change perspective. Know how seeing patterns can help you know your system in a new way. Know how understanding patterns can help you be intentional in making effective choices and decisions.
2006 HCHY Agenda Definition: Patterns in a Complex Adaptive System Types of Patterns –What they are –What they mean –How to use them Activity with the Patterns
2006 HCHY Definition: Patterns in a Complex Adaptive System Similarities, differences, and relationships that have meaning across space and/or time Examples: Youth and Adults Assets and deficits Community and Institution Poverty and wealth Urban and rural Old and new
2006 HCHY Pair Share What patterns are you experiencing in your asset building work? What tells you it is a pattern?
2006 HCHY When we stand at the edge, as leaders......our only landmarks lie in the patterns we can identify as they emerge.
2006 HCHY As a “blip” on the screen… As a trend to be watched… Then, finally, as a pattern to be dealt with.
2006 HCHY Point Attractor Patterns emerge when “things”—time, attention, energies are drawn to a common point.
2006 HCHY Periodic Attractor Patterns emerge when events or behaviors happen in more or less equal intervals over time and space.
2006 HCHY Strange Attractor Patterns emerge when a a system is bounded, but leaves infinite possibilities within.
2006 HCHY Random Attractor Patterns emerge when a number of interdependent patterns emerge simultaneously.
2006 HCHY Stretching & Folding emerge when a restful, slower pace follows a period of high activity and work.
2006 HCHY Butterfly Effects Examples small tales turn into huge stories as they go through the gossip mill one agency comes up with a good idea and other “compete” to create better ones emerge when conditions are right for a small event to have a large impact or when large events fall flat.
2006 HCHY Teach and Learn About Patterns Divide into groups Each group will take a type of pattern and answer the following questions. –What are examples you see? (Generate as many as you can.) –How would you shift them to be other types of attractors? Teach the rest of the group about your pattern and how it can be shifted.
2006 HCHY Patterns: Similarities, differences, and relationships that have meaning across space and/or time
2006 HCHY As an agent of change, recognizing and influencing patterns gives you power... To understand what is going on To name it, trace its origins, and understand its system-wide impact To take steps to influence patterns in ways that are most productive and healthy in your community.
2006 HCHY Resources Eoyang, G. (1997). Coping with Chaos: Seven Simple Tools. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Lagumo Publishing. Goldstein, J. (1994). The Unshackled Organization. New York: Productivity Press. Lissack, M. & Roos, J. (1999). The Next Common Sense. New York: Nicholas Brealey. Olson, E. and G. Eoyang. (2001). Facilitating Organizational Change: Lessons from Complexity Science. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer. Petzinger, Tom. (1999). The New Pioneers. New York: Simon and Schuster. Complexod.com, plexusinstitute.org, chaos-limited.com for other resources and connections
2006 HCHY Closing Reflections... What are your questions? What are your next HSD steps? Bibliography Web sites Continue the conversation Other conference sessions: Seeing your Asset Efforts from a Complex Change perspective (Thursday pm – mini- assembly) Simple Rules (Fri am – learning session) Patterns (Fri pm – learning session) Sustainability (Fri pm – learning session) Building a Learning Network (Sat am – learning session) THANKS!
2006 HCHY Stay in Touch with the TEAM! Glenda Eoyang Royce Holladay Kristin Johnstad Nancy Tellett-Royce