Week Seven MondayWednesdayFriday
Main Mon #1 Review of CD: Frank Lloyd Wright You must have finished your Final Concept Analysis by Friday!! –Pass it into Fimian... Explorer TOW: Making backups of your work to your Zip Disk Start your media hunt from your selected (bookmarked) WWW Sites –Save all files to D: Next
Main Mon #2 Intro to WordpadWordpad 3d graphic text in PowerPoint
Main Wed #1 Opening Wordpad and PowerPoint at the same time “Cut and Paste” Basics File imports into outline format. Next
Main Wed #2 PowerPoint Work –Start laying out Final Presentation Draft all pages that you anticipate using Choose preliminary look and feel for presentation –Include the following: Main Menu screen linked/looped to suptopic pages –One slide per subtopic Detail slide(s) under ALL subtopics –Pass it into Fimian by the end of the week!!
Main Fri #1 Start: –Task Analysis: due next week Continue: –laying out near-final form of PowerPoint Presentation; due at end of next week Finish: –Media Hunt –Frank Lloyd Wright –Near-final version of Concept Analysis Next
Main Fri #2 Internet Skills –Saving a graphic to A: or D: –Saving text to A: and D: PowerPoint Skills –Using buttons Setting Action Settings –Link all your pages together –Check out your links