Kappa Pi Meeting October 12, 2010
ArtsCenter Ed Camp, Executive Director of the ArtsCenter
Membership Fees Due today! Turn in your money to Anna Buckner at the end of this meeting After today, $10 late fee added...October 26 (next meeting) is the last day to turn in dues Fees: New Members: $35 Returning Members: $20 Associate Members: $15
T-shirts $15 for American Apparel v-neck shirts with Κ π on front and seal on back Anna Rogers will be accepting orders and money until the next meeting, October 26 Check website for more detailed information
Upcoming Events Warhol Exhibit Party - Thursday Oct 14 Counts toward your events Movie & Potluck - Friday Oct 15 Counts toward your events Nasher Museum Visit - Saturday Oct 16 Counts toward your events Next Meeting - Oct 26 Charlotte Trip - Saturday Nov 6?
Warhol Exhibit Party Andy Warhol Exhibit Party at the Ackland, hosted by Student Friends of the Ackland Thursday October 14 from 7-9pm Warhol polaroids, free food, and live music by Tripp Counts toward your events
Movie & Potluck Friday Oct 15 at 7pm at the Artery Bring some good food and watch Junebug Not required, counts toward your art events
Nasher Museum Visit Had to cancel the last visit Possible new visit: Saturday Oct 16 at noon Carpool available Cost: $3 with student ID, otherwise it’s $5 Counts as one of your art events
Charlotte Daytrip Tentatively Saturday November 6 from 10am to 4pm Visiting the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art (probably the archives) and the Mint Museum Carpool available
Race for the Cure Art Sale UNC students are trying to raise money for their team by hosting an art sale Requesting donations of your artwork Counts as your volunteer activity
ArtsCenter Volunteering The East End Gallery needs volunteers! Monday through Thursday 5 to 7pm and Saturdays 2-4pm Counts as your service activity or arts event
November Undergrad Art Show at the ArtsCenter - Nov 1-15 UCS Arts Networking Night - Tues Nov 2 Charlotte Trip - Sat Nov 6 Artery Opening - Fri Nov 12 Ackland Conservator Visit - Thurs Nov 18 Artery Comedy Night (?) - Fri Nov 19 Kappa Pi Meeting - Tues Nov 30
KP Elections Available Positions: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Social Chair *President only open to juniors and sophomores Elections are held in Dec., begin working Jan. Start thinking about running for positions and what you could bring to KP
Artery Takeover (?) We would like to start training new directors and a curator to take over the Artery Our first choice is to have Kappa Pi members involved, but we will reach out to the Art Dept. soon if necessary You would begin working with us next semester, and hopefully put together the summer show on your own Contact us with all your questions/concerns
Member Contact Info We’d like to collect everyone’s contact info and use it as a resource for Kappa Pi and our members Please the following contact info to Name, preferred address, phone number, year and major(s) A document with everyone’s contact info will be sent to Kappa Pi people, so let me know if you don’t feel comfortable having your info sent around and I can exclude it from the mass document