Jigs and procedure for ladder assembly BelleIInote #8 6 th Feb 2012 Yoshiyuki Onuki University of Tokyo 1
Updates Design of ladder assembly jigs for layer 6 -Forward DSSD(trapezoidal) assembly -Backward DSSD(rectangle) assembly Booting new lab for the assembly in IPMU. -Equipment -Handling jigs 2
Assembly flow 3 Forward part assembly Backward part assembly Origami part Backward part Forward part Gluing ddge DSSD on the ribs Placing all DSSDs on the assembly bench Origami assembly Gluing Origami part on the ribs Origami PA assembly t
Placing all DSSDs on the assembly bench 4 Forward part assembly Backward part assembly Origami part Backward part Forward part Gluing ddge DSSD on the ribs Placing all DSSDs on the assembly bench Origami assembly Gluing Origami part on the ribs Origami PA assembly t =>Please refer B2note and past B2GM slides
Assembly-bench and Rib-jig 55 Linear bush Assembly-bench Linear bush pin Rib-jig
6 Combining Assemby-bench and Rib-jig
7 Placing aligned backward DSSD
8 Placing aligned backward DSSD(rec.)
9 Placing aligned Origami DSSD(left)
10 Placing aligned Origami DSSD(left)
11 Placing aligned Origami DSSD(mid)
12 Placing aligned Origami DSSD(mid)
13 Placing aligned Origami DSSD(right)
14 Placing aligned Origami DSSD(right)
15 Placing aligned forward DSSD(tra.)
16 Placing aligned forward DSSD(tra.)
17 Picking up forward DSSD(tra.)
18 Picking up forward DSSD(tra.)
19 Picking up backward DSSD(rec.)
20 Picking up backward DSSD(rec.)
21 Picking up backward DSSD(rec.)
Forward part assembly 22 Forward part assembly Backward part assembly Origami part Backward part Forward part Gluing ddge DSSD on the ribs Placing all DSSDs on the assembly bench Origami assembly Gluing Origami part on the ribs Origami PA assembly t
23 Picked up backward DSSD(rec.)
Placing hybrid board 24
Gluing PE1 and wire bonding 25
26 Flipping DSSD with another jig
Remove 1 st jig 28
Gluing PE2 and wire bonding 29 Then, readout of slant part is completed
Gluing edge DSSD on the ribs 30 Forward part assembly Backward part assembly Origami part Backward part Forward part Gluing edge DSSD on the ribs Placing all DSSDs on the assembly bench Origami assembly Gluing Origami part on the ribs Origami PA assembly t
Jig for gluing slant DSSD. 31 goniometer Rotation axis Slant DSSD is chucked here Edge of slant DSSD will sit on here. The edge doesn’t move after the rotation. Precise alignment of slant DSSD can be done in the horizontal plane on the assembly-bench This jig can be applied for not only L6 but also L4,L5 ladder assembly.
Picking up forward(slant) part 32
Picking up with gluing jig 33
Picking up with gluing jig 34
Picking up with gluing jig 35
Replacing sensor supports with rib support on the rib-jig 36
Replacing sensor supports with rib support on the rib-jig 37
Replacing sensor supports with rib support on the rib-jig 38
Replacing sensor supports with rib support on the rib-jig 39
Placing ribs on the rib-jig 40
Gluing forward(slant) sensor on the ribs 41
Rotating goniometers to fit the slant angle and gluing 42 With the same way, we can applied for the backward DSSD much more easier(since w/o gonio rotation)
Gluing edge DSSD on the ribs is finished 43
Origami assembly 44 Forward part assembly Backward part assembly Origami part Backward part Forward part Gluing edge DSSD on the ribs Placing all DSSDs on the assembly bench Origami assembly Gluing Origami part on the ribs Origami PA assembly t
Airex jig 45 Stopper for rohacell can be used for alignment Holes for stopper position
Gluing Rohacell 46
Origami PCB jig(Long) 47
Origami PCB jig(Short) 48
Gluing (Long)Origami PCB 49
Gluing (Short)Origami PCB 50
Gluing (Short)Origami PCB 51
Gluing Origami part on the ribs 53 Forward part assembly Backward part assembly Origami part Backward part Forward part Gluing edge DSSD on the ribs Placing all DSSDs on the assembly bench Origami assembly Gluing Origami part on the ribs Origami PA assembly t
Placing Origami part on the ribs 54
Gluing Origami part on the ribs 55
Picking up the ladder. 56 Pulled out rib-mount through the jig. Assembly completed. Pins Rib-mount has the linear bush holes at back-side.
IPMU (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe) 57 KEK IPMU Akihabara
Booting Lab for the assembly in IPMU. Automatic wire bonding machine(REBO-7S, Ultrasonic engneering Co., Ltd. ) will be delivered. Wire bond pull tester(Dage4000+) Clean room(4×8m 2 ) in class D vision measuring machine which can cover L6(Mitsutoyo, QV Apex 606, 600×650×250mm). Glue dispenser Some rigid tables and microscopes… Mechanical and electorical QA system. 58
Handling assembly jigs 950mm 800mm820mm Wire-bonder Table3D measuring machine Weight of the most heaviest jig(L6Assembly bench) is about 11kg(Al). The size is 900mm×200mm×30mm Difficult to lift up and move on by man power Floor
Handling assembly jigs 950mm 800mm820mm Wire-bonder Table3D measuring machine Weight of the most heaviest jig(L6Assembly bench) is about 11kg(Al). The size is 900mm×200mm×30mm Difficult to lift up and move on by man power Use the Z-stages and forklift. Z-stages Forklift Floor
Summary Somehow method to assemble forward(slant) part become much more concrete method. -Forward and backward part (DSSDs w/ hybrid board) will be assembled and glued on the ribs at first. -The after, straight(Origami) part will be glued on the ribs. -The jigs can be used for the other layer assembly. -The design of jigs will be finish soon. Lab for ladder assembly in IPMU -Most of the quipment will be delivered in end of March. 61
Plan L6 assembly-bench and rib-jig will be delivered by end of March. The other jigs will be delivered in April. The other equipment for full ladder assembly also will be delivered by end of March. Mockup production can be started soon after delivering of jigs since no wire-bonding. Some tuning and training is needed before the first ladder assembly for L6. The most concern is wire bonding(optimizing bonding parameters, automating, bonding QA…). 62