September1999 CMSC 203 / 0201 Fall 2002 Week #9 – 21/23/25 October 2002 Prof. Marie desJardins
September1999 October 1999 TOPICS Permutations Combinations Binomial theorem Discrete probability Probability theory
September1999 October 1999 Concepts/Vocabulary Permutation, r-permutation P(n, r) = n! / (n-r)! r-combination C(n, r) = (n choose r) = n! / (r! (n-r)!) Pascal’s identity (n+1 choose k) = (n choose k-1) + (n choose k) Pascal’s triangle Binomial theorem (x+y) n = j=0 n (n choose j) x n-j y j
September1999 October 1999 Examples Exercise 4.3.1: List all the permutations of {a,b,c}. Exercise 4.3.2: How many permutations are there of the set {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}? How many permutations of a set of size k? Exercise 4.3.3: How many permutations of {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} end with a?
September1999 October 1999 Examples II Exercise : A club has 25 members. (a) How many ways are there to choose four members of the club to serve on an executive committee? HINT: Which individual is in each of the four positions doesn’t matter (b) How many ways are there to choose a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer of the club? HINT: Which individual is in each of the four positions does matter Proof of binomial theorem (page 256)
September1999 October 1999 Concepts / Vocabulary Experiment, sample space, event Laplace’s probability – p(E) = |E| / |S| OK for finitely many equally likely outcomes p(~E) = 1 – P(E) p(E 1 E 2 ) = p(E 1 ) + p(E 2 ) when E 1, E 2 are disjoint
September1999 October 1999 Examples Exercise : A roulette wheel has 38 numbers (18 red, 18 black, and 0 and 00, which are neither black or red). The probability that when the wheel is spun it lands on any particular number is 1/38. What is the probability that the wheel … (a) …lands on a red number? (b) … lands on a black number twice in a row? (c) … lands on 0 or 00? (d) … does not land on 0 or 00 five times in a row? (e) … lands on a number between 1 and 6, inclusive, on one spin, but does not land between them on the next spin?
September1999 October 1999 Examples II Example (an apparent paradox): You choose what’s behind Door #1. Before showing you what’s there, the host tells you that Door #2 is a losing door. Should you stick with Door #1 or switch with Door #3? A door is a door is a door, isn’t it…? Shouldn’t the probability that the prize is behind Door #1 and the probability that the prize is behind Door #3 both be ½, since there are two doors left? (Exercise ) Why does telling you something about Door #2 tell you anything about Door #3??
September1999 October 1999 Examples III Exercise : Two events E 1 and E 2 are called independent if p(E 1 E 2 ) = p(E 1 ) p(E 2 ). If a coin is tossed three times, which of the following pairs of events are independent: (a) E 1 : the first coin comes up tails; E 2 : the second coin comes up heads. (b) E 1 : the first coin comes up tails; E 2 : two, but not three, heads come up in a row. (c) E 1 : the second coin comes up tails; E 2 : two, and not three, heads come up in a row.
September1999 FRI 10/11 - MON 10/14 PROBABILITY THEORY (4.5)
September1999 October 1999 Concepts and Vocabulary Axioms of probability: for a set of mutually exclusive outcomes s S, 0 p(s) 1 s S p(s) = 1 Event: set of outcomes Conditional probability p(E|F) = p(E F) / p(F) Independence p(E F) = p(E) p(F), or p(E|F) = p(E) Bernoulli trials (2 outcomes) Binomial distribution b(k:n, p) = (n choose k) p k q n-k Random variables, expected values Independent random variables, variance
September1999 October 1999 Examples Dice rolling: Find the probability of each outcome when a biased die is rolled, if rolling a 2 or 4 are each three times as likely as rolling each of the other four numbers on the die. What is the probability of rolling a 7 with two ordinary dice? Exercise 4.5.5: Suppose a pair of dice is loaded. The probability that a 4 appears on the first die is 2/7 (other outcomes are 1/7), and the probability that a 3 appears on the second die is 2/7 (other outcomes are 1/7). What is the probability of rolling a 7 with these two dice?
September1999 October 1999 Examples II Independence Exercise : Show that if E and F are independent events, then ~E and ~F are also independent events. Exercise : If E and F are independent events, prove or disprove that ~E and F are necessarily independent events. Conditional probability Exercise : What is the conditional probability that exactly four heads apppear when a fair coin is flipped five times, given that the first flip came up heads? Exercise : What is the c.p. that a random bit string of length 4 contains at lest 2 consecutive 0s, given that the first bit is a 1?
September1999 October 1999 Examples III Bernoulli trials: Exercise : Find each of the following probabilities when n independent Bernoulli trials are carried out with probability of success p. (a) the probability of no successes (b) the probability of at least one success (c) the probability of at most one success (d) the probability of at least two successes
September1999 October 1999 Examples IV Random variables and expected values: Exercise : What is the expected sum of the numbers that appear on two dice, each biased so that a 3 comes up twice as often as each other number? Exercise : What is the expected value of a $1 lottery ticket when the purchaser wins $10,000,000 iff the ticket contains the six winning numbers chosen from the set {1,2,3,…,50} (and nothing otherwise)? Exercise : The 203 final exam contains 50 T/F questions (2 points each) and 25 multiple-choice questions (4 points each). Linda answers a T/F question correctly with probability.9, and a multiple-choice question with probability.8. What is her expected score on the final? What is the expected score of Emily, who hasn’t studied at all and answers T/F questions correctly with probability.5, and multiple-choice questions correctly with probability.25?