TEAM NOTES VERY IMPORTANT – NEW SCHOOL POLICY If you are sending baked goods/food to school to be shared with other students, they must come from a reputable business (Walmart, Publix, etc.) so the list of ingredients can be clearly seen. They can not be homemade. This is for he safety of our students with food allergies. Thank you! Students have username and password in their agendas. Look for username and password in your child’s agenda. username: sawgrassbaypassword: sawgrass search schools, type “sawgrass bay elementary”, find Third Grade, scroll to bottom, locate upcoming testing dates, play FREE games with your vocabulary and spelling words Sawgrass Bay School Website rd Grade Academy Pin this to your fridge so you know what’s going on! Reading/Lang. Arts – Mrs. Fulton ~VOCABULARY TEST CHANGE~ We have received our baseline tests for Math and ELA, and they will be given next week This has required us to do some rearranging, including the Vocabulary Test, which will be given on Friday (all 12 words). DBQ (Document Based Questioning) By now, you have probably heard something about the DBQ. We will do several DBQ’s throughout the year, and our first is about Harriet Tubman. The DBQ packet has a variety of documents about one topic, sometimes the documents are paragraphs, but others are maps, charts, pictures, etc. The purpose of the DBQ is to expose students to gathering support from different places to support a position. Each DBQ has a question that the students need to answer and support. What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement? Thurs., Oct. 16 – Field Trip Mon., Oct. 20 – NO SCHOOL Fri., Oct. 24 – Trunk or Treat 5:00 – 6:00 & Movie Night, $1 admission to benefit Autism Awareness Mon., Oct. 27 – Report Cards for 1 st 9 Weeks Thurs., Nov. 6 – Heritage Night, 5:30 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 13 – Personalized Learning Parent University Night at 6:30 p.m. Reading/Language Arts – Fri., 10/17 Vocabulary Quiz (all 12 words!!) Math – Fri., 10/17 – Division quiz Science – chapter 4 lesson checks (quiz) as we go through the lessons. READING/LA HOMEWORK All of the Smart 7 Strategies have to be used to get credit for homework! Mon., 10/12 – Spots, Bumps, and Blisters, p. 84 (Main Idea & Details) Tues., 10/13 – Quite a Creature p. 113 (Text Features) Wed., 10/14 – Beverly Cleary p.155 (Main Idea & Details) Thurs., 10/15 – Glossary, p. 114 (Text Features) HOMEWORK STEM HOMEWORK IMPORTANT DATES UPCOMING TESTS STEM – Mrs. Miller Learning Goal - Math ** Students will Interpret whole‐number quotients of whole numbers. (division) – How many groups and how many in each group. ** Understand division as an unknown-factor problem Learning Goal – Science 1.Students will understand energy, be able to identify and investigate forms of energy. 2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how light travels. ** Check my webpage for some helpful Math videos. To access my page simply go to the Sawgrass Bay website: Next, click on classrooms, 3rd grade, and Mrs. Miller. 10/10 – multiplication and division 10/11 – multiplication and division 10/12 – multiplication and division 10/09 – multiplication and division